Thursday, 19 November 2020

More of Dawn's Crack

 While the 10th Anniversary Infomaniac Garden Photos Event was underway, and to wake myself up for a day in front of the work laptop, I went out and about just after the crack of dawn again.  Well, I needed to have something not too taxing in the bag for when the event was over...

 So, here is the first batch of some of the many, many photos I took in the last couple of weeks:

Monday, 2nd November:

From the cliff top looking east
On the prom near the beach huts
Very dramatic, isn't it?

Ships on the horizon out Mundesley way

The revetments at the Coast Road promenade slipway

More sunbeams

This is almost the same photo as the one above, but I can't be bothered to remove it now

High tide at the End-of-the-Line


Tuesday, 3rd November

The sun's in there somewhere

Sea gull!


Any minute now, Monty Python's God is going to appear. Or a giant foot...

Still waiting for that giant foot...

Fine, don't appear and squash Sidestrand. I'm going home!

 I would like your input/opinion on a layout/captioning issue, if you don't mind.  Do you prefer the photo captions above or below the relevant photo?  I've checked out your blogs to see what you do, and there's a real mix.  Blogger puts the caption below (although the font size is quite small*), and I've used that method quite happily for years until reasonably recently.  However, I've been experimenting over the last few months with the captions - putting some directly above, and some directly below (always centred) - and I'm wondering which way seems most logical to you? 

 As you can see from this post, I've used a mixture of methods: the first half of the 2nd November photos have the caption in normal font size directly below them, then for the second half I've used Blogger's photo captioning tool which has the smaller font and spaces the photos out more (and moves them ever so slightly to the right).  Then, with the 3rd November photos, I put the caption at the top - but I think it looks weird.

 Personally, I'm leaning towards the caption being directly under the photo - but I don't know if that's because it's what I'm used to?  What do you think?  Am I thinking about this too much?  Do you even care??

* I'm pretty sure the font size can be changed - although, I can't really be bothered at the moment to find out how on this "new and improved" Blogger interface.  Selecting the photo caption thingy also repositions the photo slightly over to the right which messes up the justification of a post if not all photos are captioned - this plays havoc with my OCD!


  1. These all , as usual, all lovely photos!!! The row of beach huts always make me smile...but Dawns crack? Id rather see your crack baby!!!!

    The blogger fonts is at the top left side of the dashboard I think. I have used the fonts and now there's even more to choose from, but I find the font size doesn't always work. The photos to the slight right bugs me too. Sometimes things move for no reason while Im composing. I like the layout of your second batch best.

    1. Oh, yes, I found all the additional fonts - however, I am bamboozled by choice, so I'm ignoring them all and sticking with good old Trebuchet. And, yes, I've noticed that "normal" and "medium" seem to be the same size when it comes to main-post text. Small is too small, so I have to tinker about in HTML to get rid of the "x-" in "x-small".

      I did think of you when I was getting those beach hut shots!

    2. The HTML is literally the word "small" in between pointy brackets <>. Bold font is "b" in brackets, italics is "i" in brackets, and somewhere in the code will be the word "align=", which to my mind should always be "left" but if you are contrary, beware of the Americanised spelling - they use "center", "-er" instead of the correct "-re". Between you, The Mistress and I, we're going to re-write the world in simple HTML... Jx

    3. I'm OK with the little things (ooerr) like the pointy bracketed i, b, small, etc, but I can't remember all that "aligh=" stuff - it's worse than witchcraft!

      Oh, but I do remember the HTML for hyperlinking in comments! Perhaps this world rewriting is doable after all?

    4. I think we're onto something here...

      "There is nothing impossible to him who will try." - Alexander the Great


  2. Some sinister skies, there!

    As for "to caption or not to caption, that is the question", I use the HTML editor by preference rather than the WYSIWYG one - I've learned some very basic code over the years - and always place a photo caption under a photo and in small text as Blogger does (but usually in italics). However, like you I would prefer everything aligned to the left as it is neater.


    1. I'm not brave enough to do a whole post using the HTML editor. I can muddle around with HTML once I've built up a post using WYSIWYG, but this new interface has made it much more difficult - it seems to just plop everything together into a big HTML block which I then have to separate out into lines/paragraphs so I can see what's what.
      And, yes, I'm going to stick with the captions below the images, I think. Much more logical!

    2. HTML is a complete pain to visualise [mind you, that's what "preview" is for], but once you get the hang of it - using "br" in brackets for a single line break, and "p" in brackets for a paragraph break, "width=" for pictures, and so on, it beats the frustration of trying to work out, and remember, what all those new bloody buttons in the WYSIWYG editor do... Jx

    3. Grrrr... The br and p are the bane of my life in this new interface! The WYSIWYG editor defaults to using them behind the scenes EVEN WHEN I CLICK "NORMAL" (rather than "Paragraph").
      I think I'm going to have to take a leaf out of your book, and try and get to grips with HTML, as Blogger is slowly driving me crazy. (It has also started to insert my carefully selected multiple photos in the reverse order so I've had to move them all back to where I want them in HTML!)

  3. Your photos are outstanding, as I'm rarely up to see the dawn these days! Re: cations - I'm more the caption below the photo gal, sweetpea. xox

  4. I learned newspaper graphics more than 40 years ago and I still stick with them: captions below the picture. I like centered to differentiate it from the text.

    1. Thank you, mrpeenee. You've made me remember that I did two years of graphic design 25 odd years ago, and captions below images is how to do it!

  5. Captions below please!!!
    And now I'm so confused, because I want to wax lyrical about one of your photos, but I have concentrations issues at the moment so I'm not sure whether I should refer to the above or blow caption!
    I think it's the Ships on the horizon out Mundesley way one! I want it as a poster. It's gorgeous. The sky is ink and gold.... but I can't see any ships!

    1. Apparently I also have typing and spellinges issues too!

    2. Another vote for below - Excellent!

      I think I know the photo you mean - I'll email you the full size one (although the ships will still be small).

    3. Oh, and your "e" from "blow" seems to have migrated to "spellinges" - a feat of HTML trickery if every I saw one!

  6. I don't have a preference but I think the standard practice is to caption BELOW the photo. Whatever suits you best, I say.

    If you still need to know how to change the font size of your caption, email me and I'll tell you. Mr. Lax would be so proud that I figured it out on my own. Don't ask me anything more complex than that, however.

    1. I might have know that you'd prefer it below, so Below it is!

      I'm going to have a look in the Dashboard thingy to see if I can find out where the "change font size" settings are. Although, I'm not enjoying the "new and improved" dashboard very much, so you'll probably be hearing from me in due course...

  7. *returns to click "notify me" box*

    You see? I'm still as technically-challenged as ever, despite knowing how to change the font size.

    1. Mr Lax would still be proud of you. Although I fear he might snub me, as I never use the "notify me" thingy as it worries me somewhat. I just keep clicking back to posts I've commented on to see if there have been any more replies (I know, I'm making more work for myself...)

      Does everyone else use the "notify me" feature, I wonder?

    2. Of course! However, once I do tick the box for one of Mistress Maddie's posts, I tend to get a stream of emails from comments left by her ever-expanding fan-club (I think they may all be ex-shags, or something)... Jx

    3. Ha ha! I think I might have to try it!

      The "Notify me" thingy, not shagging Maddie. Although...

  8. I actually like above and below especially if there's a gap after the caption so you can get a surprise when you get to the picture.
    Although I still find that blogger sometimes puts pictures and shit where it feels like
    Can I just say I find the'tickle my fancy' invitation disturbing enough on its own?

    1. Ooh! You've just given me an idea: I could just dump a load of photos and a load of captions in a post, and see if you (the Great Blogorati) can match them up!

      And yet you can't help but give my fancy a good tickle, can you?!


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?