Saturday 26 September 2015

Terrifying Tin Foil Timescales

Fang is just bursting with
excitement to see the Tin Foil
Top Hats and Tiaras
Competition submissions.
He's even practising his best
Mr Burns "Excellent" impression
for the occasion!
 I hope you're all just bursting with ideas for the Tin Foil Top Hats and Tiaras Competition 2015?*

 Well, those of you who have yet to submit an entry/entries, anyway...

 Right! You now have a week—yes, one week—to construct, photograph, and submit your entry to help celebrate/commiserate the 10th anniversary of this blog. I shall need all entries in my 'in box' by midnight Saturday 3rd October.
 Although the likelyhood of any/all of us being awake to sift through them at midnight is highly doubtful.
I'm sure we'll need an early night after the excitement of another week of Strictly Come Dancing!
 That's true. I suppose that as long as your entries are submitted by the time we get up on Sunday morning, that'll be OK.

 Well? What are you hanging around here for? Snap to it!

* Yes, I've changed the competition's name.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Time for Tin Foil

 The time for terrifying tin foil tyrannosauruses tinkering is upon us!

 Yes, it's the 
2015 Tin Foil Hat (& other accoutrements) Competition!

Save money - Buy your tin foil in bulk!
 To celebrate the 10th anniversary of our arrival here in the 21st century, and the beginning of this blog, we've decided to host another tin foil hat compo.

 For those not in the know, a gift of tin is traditional for a 10th wedding anniversary, hence the hi-jacking of the tin bit to coincide with our 10 years of blogging.

 This compo shouldn't come as a surprise to you, what with the prompts, warnings and reminders that we've posted so far.
 Oh, except dear Savvy, who has displayed an uncanny ability to remain completely oblivious:

Wednesday 9 September 2015

The Worst Witches

 I thought I'd just pop in with a quick status report. I'm including both my sisters in this as I don't want you to think that it's just me who is finding this witching lark to be a tad taxing at the moment.

• Indescribable - A rubbish Wicked Stepmother. I mean, she actually gets on with her three step-children, and even took one of them camping (yeeuch!) along with Babyzilla!

• Inexcuseable - A non-mad Cat Lady. Despite a promising childhood, Inexcuseable has stubbornly shown innate skills of common-sense and level-headedness, and has never had more than three cats at any one time. Plus, she's coherant, bathes regularly and never throws her cats at people.

• And myself - A witch of such bad timing and memory, that I've neglected to push kids into ovens on numerous occasions; and I keep forgetting to be "busy" refurbishing Castlette DeVice with gingerbread, marzipan, and the like, whenever Mum-Ra and Dad-Ra (aka The Parents) want me to decorate their house. Consequently, I'm not finding much time to skip around your blogs and be sociable, and my home is being slowly devoured by the neighbourhood children.


P.S. Remember that it'll be the 2015 Tinfoil Hat Competition soon, so make sure you're stocked up with foil. I'll probably announce the compo at the weekend.

P.P.S. And just so you know, at least one of your number has already furnished me with their Tinfoil Hat (and accoutrements) compo submission, so you'd better get those tinfoil thinking caps on!

Thursday 3 September 2015

Abuzz with tits and tails

 The garden has been a hive of activity recently, as the following photos may attest.

 Plus, it's absolutely tipping it down here at the mo, so the sunshine in most of these pictures is a welcome respite.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

I've got my eye on you!

 No. Wait. I haven't.

 It's the first of the month so a new post is required, but as I've been a little busy lately, I haven't got anything finished, so you're going to have to put up with this.

 Normal service should resume shortly.