Oof! Here I am!
Apologies for taking off without leaving a note. I thought I had, but by the time I realised I hadn't it was too late to go back in time to ensure that I had because there isn't one now. And there would be one if there had been time. Which there wasn't, otherwise I wouldn't be telling you this.
Anyway... Back to the post at hand.
Despite what the title implies-
I think the Host came up with it?
Don't look at me!
Well, your irritating little SubC, then.
How very dare y- Oh. Actually, it was me.
Anyway... Despite what the title implies -
whoever came up with it - I was
not sleeping with the enemy. I was sleeping with the Monster Under the Bed.* Well, not in
that sense - I was on top.
Which makes it sound like I was sleeping with it in
that way. I wasn't. By "on top" I mean I was on the bed, while the monster was under it, as is traditional in these matters.
Anyway, its gone now. I managed to get it on the NightShip a couple of evenings ago. I've been clearing up the drool and half-eaten carcasses from under my bed ever since, which is partly why I haven't been around lately.
The Monster Under the Bed
Awwww... Just look at its cute little chitinous claws, and those adorable, puppy-dog-eating eyes! |
Plus, I have been caught in a downpour of ideas, so it may be another a few days before I shake them all off and pin them down. They're mostly Star Trek ideas, so nothing you'd be interested in, I'm sure.
Although, there is
that Panto to see to...
* A refugee from Hallowe'en...