Sunday 26 June 2016

w-w-w-WOW! Princess Souvenir Edition

Scratch-n-Sniff Catch-n-Kiss centrefold only - Click to embiggen.

Happy birthday, Princess!

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Apocalypse Oven

  Oh, dear. It seems as if Apocalypse Oven's even-more-evil twin is acting up again...

[video from Random Acts] 

 ~ ~ ~

 I'm a bit busy at the mo which is why this is all you get, and why I haven't been 'round to your blogs yet (and why I haven't replied to your comments in the last post). I hope to rectify that in the next day or two - certainly by the weekend, anyway.

 Ta ra, for now.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Verging on Summer

 Today's torrential downpours have reminded me that British Summertime is only a week away, and what better way to mark the occasion than displaying some "before" photos for The Infomaniac Garden Photos Event that The Very Mistress MJ will be hosting later in the year.
 Most of the following photographs are from mid-late May, and early June, so I won't be surprised if the bleakness means you need to pop off to fetch a nice warm cardigan. And possibly an umbrella.

Sunday 12 June 2016

A Terrible Fairy Cake Related Disaster!*

 It's bad enough cracking an egg and getting a bit of shell in the mixture (which is why I always crack one out into a bowl or cup, first), but when a half-formed cockatrice embryo plops out into one's Denby-ware, then maybe it's time to call it a day?


Tuesday 7 June 2016


 Yes! At last! My literary something or other (I'll come back to this later once I've had a flick through the thesaurus) has come to fruition. My debut book - Walking Through Rain and Not Getting Wet - is now published. And it features nearly two of my own spells - including this one!

 Fame! Wealth! Power! All shall be mine. Mine! Cower before me puny mortals!

 OK. So it's only available over the Cusp.

 For now...

Sunday 5 June 2016

Calvin is a pig-faced smelly fat-head*

 I'm not usually one to jump on a bandwagon-
 Except for when you are!
 Oh, shush.
 Anyway. Bandwagons and not jumping. Except that this particular bandwagon was travelling at a sedate enough pace to leap on without sustaining injury, and because the driver (Pilot? Controller? Just what is the title of someone in charge of a bandwagon, runaway or otherwise?) happens to be a blogger I admire.
 I'm also hoping that this bandwagon works as well for me as it did (and still does) for Ms Scarlet, as the photos I took were with Phone (as I couldn't be bothered to faff around with Camera) and aren't that good because of poor light levels.
 Oh, The Very Mistress MJ also sat astride the bandwagon, but didn't quite get the point.
 So. We'd better get on with the show. May I present:

Books on chairs and other seating conveniences
Deranged Mutant
Killer Monster 
A Calvin and Hobbes Collection,
by Bill Watterson

 Snow Goons is seen here reclining on the soon-to-be-rid-of sofa, and I last read it here, and featured it here.

* Post title from the Kidnapping of Binky Betsy Debacle on page 33