Five years. Who'd've thought we'd still be at this blogging lark after two years, never mind five?
I know. We could have gone out and got a life or something instead.
Well, we didn't.
Mainly because we're lazy.
Hey! Speak for yourself!
Shush, you two!Hey! Speak for yourself!
Anyway, on with the show. You probably know the routine by now. I'll give a quick recap of what we've blogged about this year.
And I'll present the awards. There are plenty of links and videos and things to get caught up in, so those of you as lifeless as us will at least have something to do in the New Year.
Hey, wait a minute. Presenting the awards is hard work! Why do I always have to do it?
Because you're more patient than me. I can never be bothered to scour the intermawebs for pictures, links and videos.
Well, I'm too lazy - I haven't even finished it yet. Ha!
Sigh... Just do it tomorrow. No one will know. They'll all be too hungover to notice.
Right. Better get on with these recaps:
January: We looked back at our favourite blog post of 2009 (which was Dungeons & Drag Queens, btw) and at 2009's Hottest Sci-Figure (the delectable Chris Pine). There was also the first of this year's monthly book reviews.
February: A visit from MirrorMe; Valentine's Day malarkey with Tim; and, at the end of the month we had spent a year Desperately Housewifing.
March: A couple of book reviews and the unforgettable Tin Foil Hat Competition.
Well, we should get straight on with the awards, so I'd better pass you over to The Host.
Why, thank you.

Oh, Splice and Skyline, you had it all but then you lost it. What a spectacularly predictable ending you had Splice. And you, Skyline? Oh, you were doing so well until the faintly ridiculous "Destroy All Humans" reveal*. Avatar was a victim of it's own unbelieveable hype - It just couldn't live up to my inflated expectations. And Clash' was just plodding and dull.

* i.e. The brain harvesting. Not the lack of genetalia. Although the film didn't make it clear with that point...

This was a much harder call than the one for my favourite film but I'm going to have to go with Watchmen because it had style and substance and the day wasn't saved with a few seconds to spare. Plus, I love the second Silk Spectre's outfit!

Another tough one, but Being Human edges ahead of Caprica due to the restrained use of humour versus the total lack of mirth in the gritty Battlestar Galactica prequel.

Then there are the comedy shows: Pineapple Dance Studio (which is also, vaguely, a Reality Show and unleashed Louie Spence upon the world), and Harry Hill's TV Burp.
Gods. This is such a difficult one to choose. I want to go with Pineapple or TV Burp because they're just so funny - Probably the funniest things I've seen on TV this year - but the Sensible Susan in me wants to go for Tropic or Wonders.
OK. I'm going to go with Wonders of the Solar System purely because Professor Cox is the antithesis of the fusty old professor stereotype and is so enthusiastic about the subject.
Yeah, well, I'm choosing Tropic of Cancer because Simon Reeve is also enthusiastic and totally hot AND gets his kit off a couple of times!
Fine. Suit yourself, then.

April: A Grumpy Meme and searching for The Freakin' Green Elf Shorts.
May: A spat with 'Petra; my OFFICIAL SPARKY TIM CUT OUT 'N KEEP ACTIONLESS FIGURE competition entry (Ohhhh, YES!); and some cakes.
June: Another meme and MJ goes AWOL.

First to go was Air. Maybe I haven't listened to it enough, but none of the tracks on this album really grabbed me, much like with their previous album Pocket Symphony. I think my 13 year love affair with Air is now over.
Lady Gagarin was next to get the chop. There are some great tracks - Bad Romance, Alejandro & Poker Face - but also some clunkers. Kylie fared the same, I'm sorry to say. All The Lovers and Aphrodite are amazing tracks, but about half the others are just OK. Sorry Kylie.
The winner of The Most Heavenly Music award is, just pipping the mighty Scissor Sisters to the post: Goldfrapp with the sublime Head First!

Nation, by Terry Pratchett

Well, I think the winner has to be the Alfa Romeo 2uettottanta because it's just so pretty!

And my favourite track from the album, A Long Goodbye (sadly, no video as it wasn't released as a single).
The next contender was reintroduced to me by SP. He found it while flicking through the many, many cable channels and immediately became enamoured with Kate Mulgrew's performance as Captain Janeway. The nominee is, of course, Star Trek: Voyager (I like it mainly for Tom Paris before he got fat & bald and Janeway as Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People - see Leading Lady category below).
This is an easy call. Now and Again trounces the other nominees - I don't think there's a bad episode in the series. In fact, you can start watching the series here, if you like.
July: A new driveway means Manual Labour; more cakes; and a smidgeon of time travel.
August: An invasion of manticores, water babies, trolls, centaurs, naiads, nannies, dryads and a very small yeti.
September: Even more cakes; the Disappearance of Dinah; considering a new coven; my 600th post - Cusp Trek III; and 'Petra's birthday - Cusp Trek IV.

As pretty and ripped as Matt is, I haven't actually watched White Collar (although I have seen clips from it), so he's the first to fall. Brian's next to go because whenever I see him I'm reminded of Beverly Hills 90210 (the original series obviously) * shudders in horror *. So it comes down to Ian and Aidan, and Aidan must take runner up place because I haven't seen him on TV in nearly a year! Being Human was last on in February (although it's back on again soon).
Which means the winner is Ian Anthony Dale - agent Simon Lee from The Event!

Sadly, Ryan is the first to go. Cute as he may have been in What's Up Doc? he just doesn't cut it anymore. James is still looking good, as is Dennis.
But it's Dennis who gets the award. Why? Just look at him now:

October: The loss of dear Piggy; The new Coven line-up revealed; BEAST wins The Freakin' Green Elf Shorts from Donn; and Hallowe'en.
November: Clean knickers for Tim's birthday; Cusp Trek V; and A dream of shoes
December: The making of a blog - From the bath; and we sat on Santa's lap for an iTim - It was definitely worth it!

Well, I think we know who's not going to get the award, so that leaves us with Axl and Harry. And just to appease SP, I'm giving the award to Harry.

No contest. This one wins, hands down (his pants):

Well, other than myselves, the only other witch who's had a mention is Fenella Fellorick the Kettle Witch from Chorlton and the Wheelies.
And I'll be damned if that buck-toothed, green-skinned, miserable, hatchett-faced old hag is getting the award - I'm keeping it for myself!
Before Witchface gets too wound up, I'd better bring this to a close. I would like to thank all the men who took time out of their busy schedules to work on their bodies so they were worthy of
The only problem is that whenever I now log onto YouTube, the 'Recommended for You' section is always full of half-naked, muscular men!
Wait. Did I say that was a problem?
Anyway (dear Piggy's favourite word), I would also like to thank you all for sticking around, especially the last month or two when I haven't been around much. It may have seemed like I was neglecting visiting your blogs, but I assure you that I was, albeit sporadically.
If I had made any New Year's resolutions, one of them would have been to spend a bit more time blogging. However, I haven't made any, especially the blogging one, mainly because I know I'm not going to have that much time, so 2011 will continue much like the end of 2010.So, thank you all again, from me too. I'll be keeping an eye on you my faithful Flying Monkeys, so stay sharp!
Finally, may your transition into 2011 be free from incident. Have fun!