Wednesday 23 October 2019

Shags, Knobs, and Groynes

 It's a good job I renewed my subscription to wwwWOW!'s blogorati calendar, as it tells me that it's Dinahmow's birthday today!  Happy birthday, Dinah!

 Oh, and it'll be Mistress Maddie's in a couple of days, then only a week until All Hallows Eve...

Saturday 19 October 2019

"But Where Are The Knockers?"

 Where indeed, Ms Scarlet?  While there may not be any knockers, amongst this slog of photos from the beach (yes, I was down there again on Thursday - as well as this morning!), there are some ships, cormorants, evolving galaxies, and lashings of sea glass.

 Oh, and that stone spiral mutation on the right, there.

Right.  First up, Thursday's photos - starting with this tired/grumpy (I can't decide which) little turnstone (Arenaria interpres).

Sunday 13 October 2019


 You probably won't be surprised to learn that I ended up down on the beach again yesterday, mucking about with pebbles and the like.  On the right, there, is my latest creation, "Galaxy".
Poncey, eh?
 Quiet, you!
 Anyway, two days is all it took to scatter my previous spirals, so I put them back together in different configurations, then collected some orange/tan pebbles, and some worn amd broken roof tiles, and created Galaxy and a Tower of Tiles.

Scattered spirals

Tower of Tiles

Saturday 12 October 2019

Penetration of Plunge Pools and Other Key Holes

 In the comments of the previous post, on Thursday I said to Dinahmow that I was going down to the beach again, and these are the photos I took while I was down there.

 It was a really nice, bright, sunny morning - relatively warm when sheltered from the cool breeze - so I spent far more time down there than I intended.  And, because it was low tide, I ventured beyond the End-of-the-Line!

Canyons and river valleys in miniature!

Here's an old groyne penetrating someone's plunge pool (not The Very Mistress's this time)

Sunday 6 October 2019

End-of-the-Line Updates #2.5, #3 & #4 (with a touch of Glamour)

 I thought it was about time we had another End-of-the-Line update, considering that the last one was nearly two months ago (plus, this will get rid of another draft post that's been languishing since 18th August).  Aside from the rapidly disappearing End-of-the-Line, the local geography/geology seems to be getting back to normal thanks to the high tides and rough seas scouring away the fallen cliff detritus.

 This is a photo-heavy post so, like the last one, I'm not going to be doing much talking.

From 10th August:

Thursday 3 October 2019

Surges of Spume-laden Surf

 These photos are from this morning's brief perambulation along the promenade.  Surprisingly, I didn't get too wet!

This shot is from the slipway at the foot of the Pauls Lane access slope to the beach

I'd walked east along the prom then turned back to take this photo

Heading east again