In a rare moment of desperately attempting to appear "on trend", I thought I'd have a go at
Ms Scarlet and Jon's #adecadeago meme. You know, the one in which ancient bloggers who haven't moved on to new forms of social media (or have, but gave up because it was all so petty and overwhelming) look back at their dusty old archives, and dredge up whatever it is they were blogging about a decade - 10 years! - ago.
Well, after the successes of the aforementioned
Ms Scarlet (AKA The Duchess of Devonshire) and
Jon (the Official Plant Spotter of Castle Device and its extensive Witchdom), as well as
LẌ and
Mitzi, my foray ten years into the past was a disappointment to say the least:
an excuse for not blogging, rudely interrupted by that interfering old baggage, Audrey (who has since been expunged from my consciousnesses - sub, or otherwise). I think
Tim said it best when he proclaimed me a "slacker".
Although, he's a fine one to talk.
Anyway, not wanting to let the side down, I came up with a new way to play: travelling back in time by two years to 2017, and then eight years to 2011, which brings us to a grand total of ten years. Clever, eh? And, between them, both cover the (not really a) requirement for an old meme and some art work.
So, two years ago, on the
1st February 2017, we arrive at another meme started by Ms Scarlet: the "Book on a Chair" meme, or #bookonachair as it would be known in today's modern hashtag parlance.
By this point in the proceedings, we were really reaching...
And eight years ago, on the 1st February 2011, we land slap-bang in Star Trek territory, on the second stop of a voyage that never was, replete with sketches of starships.
Because I don't think any of the images from my two #adecadeago posts linked to up there are particularly worthy of reposting here, I thought I'd share a couple of photos I took from Count Podgekinson's bedroom window on the morning of the last day in January:
Look! You can see the birds roosting in this close-up - wood pigeons, I think? |