Saturday 18 May 2024

"A Surefire Winner!!"*

* Or so Ms Scarlet says, anyway.
 Actually, I'm not sure this phone box counts because it no longer has a phone in it (and isn't even used as a urinal - as far as I'm aware, anyway). 
 So, on to other things.  Namely photos from today's Bitey walk around Northrepps and back via the allotment.
 It was a bit misty here this morning and through lunchtime - and not the moody, atmospheric mist that can make photos look better, just an insipid, half-hearted haze - so I cannot compete with Ms Scarlet's 'Weather!' photos. 
 Also, there are no sheep, just Bitey photobombing.  Oh, and a roe deer.

This photo - and the leading one - were taken as we walked up Toll's Hill out of Overstrand

Monday 13 May 2024

Bright Light Bright Light - Heartslap

 Back once I've found my crop top and short-shorts... 
I think I just heard someone throw up in their mouth.

Monday 6 May 2024

The INFOMANIAC Garden Photos Event 2024 Primer

The 2024
Garden Photos Event

 I thought it was about time to get up off my quince and do something about this year's GPE.  I mean, Savvy's already on it, for Christ's sakes!

 I am sure that you all know what the Infomaniac Garden Photos Event is and why it's held here rather than at The Very Mistress's hallowed blog, Infomaniac, these days.  But for anyone new here, or for any Blogorati/Bloggerati* having a senior moment or just waking up after a cooking sherry bender that began two days ago while making a trifle**, my GPE Page explains all.
 Anyway, forget the trifle for now (If you can.  Mmmmmmm... trifle!), this is all about the GPE.  There's no theme this year, not least because I've left it far too late in the year to foist one upon you, but also because I can't decide between the handful I've thought of.  So, all you need to be thinking about - and doing - is preparing your expansive grounds, modest gardens, compact courtyards, payshos, balconies (juliet or otherwise), windowboxes and/or indoor pot plants and taking photos of them in their entirety, and/or specific/favourite/interesting views, planting schemes, specimen plants/leaves/flowers, or any other aspect of your greenfingering that takes your fancy.
 As with previous GPEs held here, there will also be a pre-event Terrifying Triffidery exhibit at Hallowe'en, so be sure to take photos of any particular scary, unusual, or downright rude (because we know what you're like) plant, too.  Or, failing that, photos of a perfectly ordinary plant taken while drunk, close-up, or filtered/photoshopped to Hell!

 And remember, the Infomaniac Garden Photos Competition is NOT a competition, so there will be no judgey comparisons or winners/losers.  The Event is open to all no matter your gardening skill level or plot/pot size, and you can submit just one photo or many.  I usually ask for photos to be emailed to me by the end of October as the Event will be held throughout November, but I'll confirm dates & email address etc. later in the year.
 Finally, for any friends-of-friends, lurkers, irregulars, or newcomers reading this, it would be lovely to see some garden photos from you, too.  Lady Goldberg-DeWoofs, I know you've moved to a beach front house recently - Have you found some suitable specimens?  Sixpence, how does your garden/terrarium grow?

 Right.  Now that's out of the way, here are some GPE preparation photos from Hexenhäusli Device's grounds to get you in the mood: