Ta da!

It's the brooding and sultry Lee Ryan of Blue fame. He reminds me a bit of a young Connor Trinneer...

Right. I'm off to the site of Dr. Frank n Furter's castle to see if there're any more Rocky Horrors lying around.
Well, I need a house boy. I'm sick of doing everything myself.
Anyone know which way Denton is?
Holy crap! The Freakin' Green Elf Shorts had escaped from their metal prison!
I rushed through the house to find them just about to squeeze through the bathroom window. Not wanting to touch the vile things with my bare hands, I held out Broom in an attempt to snag them on it, but Broom wasn't having any of it and twisted away. I watched in shock as The 'Shorts slid out of the window and into the garden. Even the rose bush and the passiflora had the sense to recoil out of the way.
How will I ever find them now?
I was thinking of getting a new runaround for nipping to the shops in.
What do you think of this?