Saturday 31 October 2020
Terrifying Triffidery: An Infomaniac Garden Photos Event attraction
Thursday 29 October 2020
Crack of Dawn
Sunday 25 October 2020
Infomaniac Garden Photos Event - Final Reminder
Friday 23 October 2020
Drunken Shags with Wonky Groynes
It's that time of year again...
Many happy returns to Dinahmow today! And to Mistress Maddie and Rimpy* on Sunday!
Oh, and what else? Ah, yes, apart from being Hallowe'en, the 31st is also the beginning of the House of Infomaniac's 10th Anniversary Garden Photos Event! And, remember, this prestigious event is being held here rather than at The Very Mistress's this year, so you'll need to email your green-fingered photos - including any Terrifying Triffidery you may have happened to snap - to me (email address in my Blogger Profile) by Wednesday 28th October. Mark it on your calendars!
Monday 19 October 2020
Glass Starships
Friday 16 October 2020
Thursday 8 October 2020
"I don't think that's a tower full of cows..."
After the Garden Photos Event announcement and various Star Trek-related scribbles, sketches, and photo-comics, I thought it was time to get back to a post full of photographs. And, unlike many photos displayed here over the past few years, you may be surprised to discover that some of them are of subject matter never before seen on this blog!
First of the unseen-til-now is the lake at Felbrigg. I was dragged across fields and countryside by my sister, Inexcuseable, her husband, and Count Podgkinson (although he spent quite a lot of time in his pushchair... lucky sod), on a boiling hot day back in mid-September. It was all right, I suppose...
Sunday 4 October 2020
Art Trek miscellanea
Hello! Did you know, it's been nearly two months since I put up a Star Trek-related post? Well, it has. So, I'm going to remedy that with this selection of Star Trek art.
Oh, pay no heed to Lying Cat. She's like a broken record. Always spouting off that tired catchphrase. Anyone would think it's the only word she can say...
Anyway, there is a point to Saga's Lying Cat featuring here - it's that she was the inspiration for the following two photomontage comic-style dalliances starring Deanna Troi. For those who don't know, Troi is the telepathic/empathic counsellor and diplomatic officer aboard the Enterprise-D in Star Trek: The Next Generation (and my favourite character in that show), and could also tell when someone was lying (mostly).
Here she is with Doctor Beverly Crusher in the Enterprise's hair & beauty salon:
And here she is again assisting Captain Picard in the downfall of regular Romulan antagonist Tomalak: