As you can see, I have finally updated The 'Shorts map to include CyberPetra, who is, of course, the current holder. Hopefully, this will spur him into action to hold his leg (maybe even literally) of the Caption Competition. I might even re-do the map as I threatened to do once before - After all, The UK is a bit of a mess what with all those travel lines zipping back and forth.
Anyway, snap to it, CyberPoo!
ReplyDeleteUh, I mean thanks.
Nice work.
ReplyDeleteBut wouldn't "Bumpkinland" describe the entire UK?
I feel sympathy for cyberpete. It's all very well coming up with snappy answers to the caption comp to win them, it's another thing coming up with a snappy photo...
ReplyDeleteCan't believe this is still going on...
Those bloody shorts - hope someone has had the decency to wash them, they were a little ripe when I had them.
The shorts. Fuck me, I'd forgotten all about them!
ReplyDeleteCyberPetra: Heh! You're welcome!
ReplyDeleteMJ: Mostly, yes. But especially Smuntiest Dorset and wherever the hells Connilingus and Tatasaurus live.
Norfolk is full of bumpkins too - I'm not one, of course!
Herge: Well I certainly didn't.
I did try though, but the washing machine spat them out!
Piggy: I'd rather not, thanks all the same.
You could have taken a little longer and given it to me in private so everyone was not involved in this.
ReplyDeleteNow everyones gonna hassle me about it.
I thought you could do with a little 'encouragement', CyberPetra?
ReplyDeleteWell aren't you helpful..
* grins evilly *
ReplyDeleteNow wash your hands, otherwise no pudding for you!
The UK does seem to be some kind of … nexus.
ReplyDeleteWe need to rig this comp so Dora or I or someone in the southern hemisphere gets the shorts next.
ReplyDeleteThe shorts need to get away from the nexus.
I do feel safer knowing that they are no longer in North America.
ReplyDeleteDear gods, the shorts are in my part of the world!
T Bird, hasn't Dora suffered enough? She all ready has a panther painting to cope with...
ReplyDeleteWow, the Shorts have landed in the UK a lot. Well, it's not like Britain doesn't have a history of getting repeated invasion from foreigners. Given enough time, the Shorts will merge with the population, creating a new breed of Britons! Perhaps even ascend the throne!
If you are serving spotted dick, then count me out mother.
ReplyDeleteHmm I really wanted to see Sparkly Tim in them though, but I suppose they must go somewhere more exotic (even though, to me London is THE most exotic place on earth)
Damn, and to think I was going to make an effort to win them. Oh well, I suppose they really should go to Australialand…
ReplyDeleteThe shorts were in Toronto? And possibly when I was there too? That would have just been too much excitement.
ReplyDeleteThe coven needs the elf shorts.
ReplyDeleteLet's rig it. IDV - get your hexes out. Tim, show them your muscles while Dinah, Dora and I get our boobs ready.
You don't need to do all that T-Birdy. I'll gladly just send them over to be done with it.
ReplyDeleteNow that's all settled I can cancel my elaborate photo session.
Oh, no. We need to see you - or at least some of you, CyberPetra - in those shorts.
ReplyDeleteElaborate photo sessions ahoy!
*waits for boobies*
ReplyDeleteMuscles first, Tim, then it'll be boob-city, I'm sure!