Sunday 2 June 2024


Not only was it grey and overcast when I took Bitey down to the beach this morning, but after days of high winds and rough seas, everything was coated in a film of dried spume scum!

The End-of-the-Line has never looked so dingy.
Uh, oh...  What's this?

Yes, old Cliff the Drama Queen has decided to make another bid for attention!

At least this time she stopped short of squashing any groynes.

Good job the tide was out as I wouldn't fancy clambering over that claggy mess.

Oh, no!  Another fall.
Fortunately this heavenly scented wild rose was spared.
It looks like something vomited up outside a nightclub at 3am.
I wouldn't recommend the sea kale now.
Phew!  At least my beach garden wasn't smothered in Cliff's ejecta.
(Although it does look a right state - I'll have to have a sort out when Bitey isn't around)
Typically, as we were heading home, the sun started to come out.
. . .
And totally unrelated, here's something new from Magdalena Bay: "Death and Romance"


  1. Oh, the sheer drama of it all! It's just as well it didn't hit your groynes...


    PS That Magdalena Bay choon reminded me a bit of Charleen Spiteri and Texas.

    1. There would have been much wincing and sucking of breath if it had.

      P.S. Magda ought to be flattered at the comparison.

  2. Drama indeed! That cliff is falling all over itself! Still happy for the pics though. Our phones give us these "Hydrologic Outlook" warnings that are just a fancy way for the weather service to say "It's wet! It's damn wet!" which is like "duh" how do you think we got to be one of the greenest places in America? William Shatner, yes THAT Williams Shatner of Star Trek fame once proposed collecting all our rainwater and trucking it to California, to which we said, "Ha, ha, Ha, NO!"

  3. Beautiful seaside shots!!!!!!!

    Mr.DeVice, I think we are just the ones to re-create the beach scene From Here to Eternity...with two guys. Should we wear square cuts or go real racy and just do it nude?

    1. *makes popcorn and pulls up a ringside seat*

    2. If we're going to do it on the cold, windy beach here, Maddie, a full scuba suit and a duffel coat is the bare minimum of attire!

      Ticket prices have yet to be decided, Very Mistress.

    3. Is that Norfolk Porn - "scuba suit and a duffel coat" ?
      I see an opening in the market ...

    4. I wouldn't be surprised if someone's already got that covered, Mago. I dare not google it to find out, though!

  4. Oh I love that tune! I bought it as soon as it was released on 12".
    Anyhow, will the whole of East Anglia eventually turn to dust?
    The sun does that to me - comes out as soon as I go in. Grrr.

    1. The whole of East Anglia is already mostly dust. Well, mud, actually - it feels like we've had as much rain as Devon!

  5. Not only East Anglia, the entire East coast is eroding, roads and houses are falling into the North sea at Skipsea. I wonder why the sun comes out at teatime, it's been overcast and raining here all day and now it's blue sky with rainbows.

    1. We'll all end up moving to the west coast with their lovely solid rock cliffs, Mitzi. And trap Ms Scarlet inside so that we get to enjoy some sunshine!

  6. Beautiful shots, as always... you are so fortunate... thank you for sharing with those of us who are less fortunate. :P Kizzes.

    1. Fortunate? I knew I should have taken a close up of the spume scum!

      But really, yes, I do feel extremely fortunate to live here at the arse end of nowhere.

  7. Cliff came ? Lucky Basted ...

    1. I know. Get him a bit moist and stand well back!


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?