Thursday 20 June 2024

Midsummer Mix

A bit of exotica for this, the longest - and possibly sunniest & warmest (so far) - day this year: The Mother's bottlebrush plant (Callistemon somethingorother)
. : .
 Yesterday's Sounds of Summer should also have featured this track which I first featured back in 2015:

"Love Like Mine" - Miami Horror feat Cleopold 
(I'm still none the wiser about Cleopold's identity and I just don't have it in me to google them.)
 . : .

Here's most of the bottlebrush basking in this evening's sunshine on the paysho. 

. : .
And here is the Summer Solstice - 8:51pm over the North Sea

. : .
 And finally, the weird video for "Death and Romance" by Magdalena Bay, the audio of which featured at the beginning of this month in Falling:


  1. The bottle-brush plant is such an amazingly tropical-looking shrub - it is remarkable how it survives the British weather!

    That Miami Horror one was somewhat underwhelming, and I'm not sure wtf that video was all about. I preferred the Magdalena Bay choon out of the two, but if I was that singer I'd sue for turning my vocals down that low - or is it just that she can't actually manage more than a whisper? Jx

    1. I tried to find the album version/audio only of "Love Like Mine" without all that car door slamming and the like, but no joy (I didn't look for long, though).
      As for Magda or whatever her name is, I think that's pretty much par for the course. Or she's got a sore throat?

  2. Foggy this morning in Devon.
    Meanwhile, it is too early for Horror, Miami or otherwise, meaning I will have to do something constructive with a Bottle Brush instead. Dust high up corners that are beyond my reach, perhaps?
    I checked the longest day - and it can fall anywhere between June 20th - June 22nd. I always thought it was June 21st, but it can move around.

    1. Well, there are plenty of bottlebrush blooms around here so things should be spic-and-span in no time!

      Yes, the Solstice caught me off guard this year what with the earlyness.

  3. I took a cutting from one, a couple of years ago from the garden centre (I always keep a zip-lock freezer bag moistened inside with water and kept in the car for such occasions) it's planted in the front garden and growing rampant but not in the way I want it to, it has multiple stems whereas I want it to grow more treelike with a single trunk. Is that an aeonium I spy in the foreground? I cannot take horror films/music videos seriously, they are just silly.

    1. I should think Callistemons can be trained as standards but they just seem very awkward and tend to do whatever they like! Might we get a photo of yours in this year's Garden Photos Event?
      And yes, that is an Aeonium. Poor thing's been desperate for some sun so it might perk up a bit now we have some.

  4. Fascinating flower. And your taste in music is divine. Kizzes.

    1. I should think Callistemons would do well at yours, Mr Tonking. They like the heat and don't seem to mind being dry (although they do like it moist, apparently) and if they can cope with British winters I'm sure they'll manage yours.

    2. Although, you do get a lot of snow, don't you? I'm not sure how they'll cope with that?


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?