Saturday 1 June 2024

'Tis Foxglove Season

Last Thursday I walked Bitey into Cromer so he could go to the vet's and have a finger stuck up his bum.  He was not amused.  Anyway, to make up for it, I took him on the scenic route back: off the lead through Happy Valley and up to the lighthouse...

... then down Dick's Close Hill through the bracken and foxgloves.

I don't know how close Dick got, but I didn't see or feel anything in the undergrowth.
This is what the top of Toll's Hill (behind Hexenhäusli Device and the allotments) looked like on Bank Holiday Monday.

Hexenhäusli Device's side return on Thursday
I stopped off at the allotment on the way home from this morning's walk so Bitey could have a drink.  Behind the Victoria plum guarding foxgloves is Allotment HQ, festooned with honeysuckle and loganberries.

Several foxglove sentinels tand watch over the allotment.
It is entirely possible that this giant white foxglove is the only thing keeping the Leaning Shed vaguely upright.

And back home, here are some foxgloves yet to come: a couple of Digitalis parviflora flower spikes
. . .
Bonus: I found these snaps from the 16th May just as I was about to publish.


  1. I adore foxgloves! They're a favourite of the big bumblebees [we love watching them shaking their hairy arses as they struggle to get every drop of nectar out of the "fairy bell" flowers]. Ours this year have been a bit stunted, but we have a whole trough of baby ones that hopefully might give us a show next year. Jx

    1. I must admit, I had a foxglove post in mind to welcome you back from your holiday, but time escaped me, so you've got it now instead.

  2. I adore foxgloves,too. Perhaps, next year, I may be somewhere better-suited to grow some...

  3. White Foxgloves! Ours are all pink, and I photographed some yesterday and this morning! There seems to be an abundance this year - they must like rain.

    1. Yes, almost all the plants seem to be thriving in this year's moistness.
      And you don't have any white ones? How strange. There's usually one or two dotted around amongst all the pinks & purples (although, having said that, I can't see any in that Toll's Hill group).

  4. What a nice little chic lighthouse! I too love Foxglove, and came close to planting it and adding it into the garden, but not sure why I didn't go with it. I may have added more Cassia instead, who remembers why I do anything?

    Is Dick's Close Hill a local point of interest I should know about?

    1. I'm surprised that you neglected to add such turgid towers of freckled and veiny, purple-headed beauty, Maddie. Very surprised indeed!

      As for Dick's Close Hill, much of it is covered in golf course and I have it on good authority that all sorts go on in the bunkers....


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?