Monday 17 June 2024

On my way to work I saw...

 ... Crown shyness

 I saw some other things too:

St. Clement the Martyr's church with the crown shy tree on the right

More crown shyness (the same tree)

A pair of mute swans and their cygnets on Friar's Quay (with a pair of Egyptian geese looking on)

Stop still for a moment and the pigeons arrive expecting food.  They didn't get any from me!

A non-crown shy weeping willow

View upriver from St George's Street Bridge...

... and downriver along Friar's Quay

This post should automatically be twice as good as A Surefire Winner from a month ago, but these phone boxes don't have telephones in them (but they probably do have wee)

Across from John Lewis is All Saints church

 And finally, to show that Norwich isn't all blue skies and greenery, look what's lurking in the River Wensum below the weeping willows:


  1. A perfect day for taking those photos! Even the arse end of Norwich looks nice (supermarket trolley notwithstanding)... Jx

    1. PS Please don't tell me you work in Warhammer!

    2. 6:40am has never looked so good!

      And, no, I most definitely do NOT work in Warhammer!
      Although I do sometimes look in the window at the displays of finely painted, tiny monsters or whatever they are.

  2. I've never heard of crown shyness before, I have led a sheltered life. Did they put out the bunting at the All Saints church, especially for you?

    1. I knew what crown shyness was, but I've only recently learned that's its name.

      No, they usually put out the sparkly bunting for me, but I was a bit early yesterday and they hadn't swapped it over in time. Needless to say, heads rolled.

  3. Is this the town you live in? It's quite charming. Loved the photos. But they should find the bastard who put that store trolley in the river, and make them collect the trolleys all day till closing... in the parking lot of the supermarket that it came from...for a year!!!!!!

    1. I used to live there from my early 20s-30s, but moved back to the coast after that. I still work there, though.

      I suspect the trolley pusher soon followed it into the river. Many a drunken yob in a trolley ends up in there. Some even manage to get out.

  4. Socially distanced trees!! Though your tree looks like it might be an Ash tree? So it might have die-back.
    That John Lewis building is fabulous! Please don't let them ever knock it down.

    1. Oh, an Ash tree! I'm pretty hopeless with trees and didn't have a clue what it was, so thank you. Although, I won't bother to remember it as it'll probably be dead soon it seems.

      Bonds, or John Lewis as it it now, really is fabulous. It reminds me of mid-20th century ocean liners.

  5. That shopping cart probably did something bad and deserves that fate! Just saying! Nice walk to work. Thanks for the great photos.

    1. Yeah, it probably came from PoundLand (or Fine Fare back in the day). You wouldn't find a Waitrose trolley in the Wensum!

  6. Charming town, is this where you live??? So cute. And the bastard that put that trolley in the river should be punished by collecting all the trollies from that grocery store, all day and taking them into the store from the parking lot.

    1. I don't know what happened to your original comment, Maddie - sorry. There was nothing in spam but it has now appeared. I suspect the Blogger demons are playing up again.


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