Saturday 29 June 2024

Tying Up Loose Ends

 It's taken me a week to get over the Ten Day Blogging Challenge thingy but before I move on to business as usual, I have a couple of things to say and a couple of loose ends to tie up.
 Firstly, the 10DBC has given me new found respect for the likes of Jon (who was the unwitting inspiration behind the challenge), Mistress Maddie, and Mr Tonking who can often be found teetering at the top of my Sideboard thanks to their daily blog posts.  Their commitment to blogging and, therefore, entertaining us each day, cannot be underestimated - they are an inspiration!
 Secondly, big thanks to Ms Scarlet who was the instigator of the 10DBC - taking up the mantle of the Daily Blogger when Jon departed for sunnier climes - and to Savvy who took over when Ms Scarlet's ten days were up.  Your efforts were the motivation I needed to see this through myselves.  Thank you.

 Now, on to those loose ends:
  1. I do NOT work in Warhammer.  Although, I think The Very Mistress might have posed for one or two of these little sculptures unless I'm very much mistaken?
Apologies for the poor image clarity.  I couldn't get any photos without loads of reflections and this is the clearest I could make them after messing around with the contrast and shadows etc.

I have no idea what all these little things are or what purpose they serve, but Warhammer is obviously very popular considering this shop can be found in Norwich city centre.

Your guess is as good as mine.

  And 2. As well as postbox toppers, my "very twee" neighbourhood also sports these crocheted gate decorations.  Flowers, bees, and little cricketers adorn the wrought iron gates of Overstrand cricket ground.

Sorry, Mitzi.

 Normal service may resume tomorrow with photos from this morning's Bitey walk, or of Norwich's skyline, or even some evening beach scenes complete with space shuttles & golden towers.  Maybe.


  1. I'm excited about blogging again after the 10DBC (I like this acronym)! I may not be blogging daily, but the spirit is back, sweetpea! BTW, I had no idea there were "loose ends" to be tied up with regard to your employment or location! ;) xoxo

    1. Yes, that's it! The blogging spirit is back!

      And maybe the loose ends were really little more than slightly frayed edges?

  2. Indeed, the 10DBC has encouraged me to at least post once a week, and be more regular. I also think about things I could post about and make little notes like I did when I first started.
    I hope you feel a sense of achievement?!! I did! When I finished my 10 days I was agog that I'd managed it.
    I love the crocheted decorations!! And the very peculiar Warhammer stuff.

    1. I quite often have blog ideas and jot them down, but then another one comes along then another, and I didn't find the time to turn them into a post. Then, when the time is found, I had so many ideas saved up that it all became overwhelming.
      The 10DBC has let me know that it's okay to publish a brief, near meaningless post - something I used to do years ago but evolved out of somehow.

      I *did* feel a sense of achievement! And like you, I couldn't quite believe I'd managed it. As for being regular, have you tried eating prunes?

  3. Glad to have provided an "unwitting inspiration" for the rejuvenation of the "blogging mojo"!

    I have no clue what Warhammer's all about, either - and those fabric flowers and things are so twee, they'd make Cath Kidston cringe... Jx

    1. You should be knighted, Sir Jon! I'll put a word in with Charles and Camilla when I next pop into Sandringham.

      I looked up Warhammer and it all seems a bit Tolkien-on-crack to me. I think I'll stick to Star Trek - and phaser the crochet into oblivion!

  4. There is something creepy walking past on your right in the second photograph.
    If I lived nearby to those with the gates I'd be sending them a postcard, telling them they are lowering the tone of the neighbourhood.

    1. Oh my gods, you're right, Mitzi! It looks like a giant bee pupa that's come out of its honeycomb cell too soon. Unless you're talking about my ever increasing knuckles?

      Ms Scarlet's good at postcards. I'll see if she'll knock up a mildly threatening one.

  5. I don't play it, but Warhammer is popular in this house.

    I like the crochet art! I have tried to crochet a couple of times in the past but it never works out because my inner mood is too mercurial and one always ends up with a doily of tight (stress thought), loose (relaxed thought) which ironically or unironically puts one in a spiral pattern.

    I try to blog once a week, but gosh darn it if life doesn't always find a way to put me off track!

  6. Does Warhammer have an oubliette?


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?