MJ's last post reminded me that I'd meant to post something about synchronised swimming, mainly the lack of men taking part in it. Oh, and if you're expecting any nudity, you can forget it - This is a wholesome post. Go back to MJ's for your kicks.
I scoured the internets for information about male synchronised swimming, but came up with very little. Well, very little that was actually any good. There were several 'mockumentaries', comedy sketches and completely hopeless, amateur teams. However, the following videos are some of the best:
This first one is a profile of Kenyon Smith, a member of the Santa Clara Aquamaids. Before you ask, he's not gay and I don't fancy him (he was 16 in this video, for goodness sakes).
This one is Kenyon's Tech Solo routine. Just look how far out of the water he gets in his vertical postion (that's when he's upside down with both legs out of the water) - up to his waist!
This one is quite light-hearted, but is a serious routine starring Bill May and Anna Kozlova. Bill was the one of the first recognised U.S. male synchronised swimmers, paving the way for Kenyon Smith.
There is certainly some consternation over the inequality in competitive synchronised swimming. A case can be made for the greater strength inherent in men, enabling them to do higher lifts, etc. However, women are naturally more buoyant and graceful, making the men appear somewhat oafish if they're not exceptionally precise.
Then there are the swimming costumes and trowel-fuls of make up the women have on. They immediately look more spectacular than the men. I was thinking that to counteract this, the men could have some kind of temporary body tattoos?
If anyone needs me, I'll be down at the Riverside pool in my leopard print bikini and pearls, practising for the 2012 Olympics.