Saturday 22 June 2024

'Tis Done

Who doesn't enjoy a battered old groyne surrounded with spume to start their evening?

 Well, 'tis done.  My Ten Day Blogging Challenge that I didn't advertise or commit to or even admit to doing ends with this post.
 What?  Your ten day challenge?  I did most of the posts!
 Pish posh.  It's done now.  No one will care who did what.  Although, they might care to know that it was I who took control of your button pushing finger while you were swinging Camera around and snapped the photo on the right.  I had to time it just right to get the horizon and sea wall to line up with the railings.  Pretty good, eh?
Yeah, bah!
 Oh, don't you start.
 I'm off to bed.

Ruby Tuesday basking in the sun unaware of the triffids massing behind

Oh, dear... So many cliff falls on the Sidestrand coast

Wildflowers lining the steps down to the beach

This post box is infested with crabs!


  1. Well done, Mr DeVice!! I knew, surreptitiously, that you were doing the "ten-day blog challenge" but I didn't say anything in case it put you off, with all that cheering and adulation from the audience (like the London Marathon)...

    Spume! Shags! Triffids! Groynes! Crabs! Cliff the Drama Queen! The finale always has all the hits. Jx

    PS Your neighbourhood has turned very twee, if it's got its own crocheted postbox-toppers. What next? Fairy doors?

    1. PS Who's turn is it next? Dinah? The Very Mistress? 😎

    2. A good idea for the knitting blog.

    3. Ah, thank you, Jon! After three posts in a row, I shouldn't think anyone was in any doubt about what I was attempting, so thank you for not saying anything to put me off - you know me so well.

      The neighbourhood is too far gone, I'm afraid. There are WhatsApp groups (I'm not in them not least because my phone is too old to support WhatsApp anymore), there is a LOT of smiling/cheery greeting, and fairy doors sprang up a few years ago. I haven't noticed breed meet ups, and thankfully very little pavement "art".
      As for crochet - just wait until I get a photo of the cricket ground...

    4. Ooh, yes! Could the 10 Day Challenge tempt you back, Very Mistress?

  2. Congrats, Mr Devine! I too knew what you were up to and didn’t want to put you off!
    Excellent line up! And nice crabs!

    1. And thank you too for not putting me off, Ms Scarlet! Any mention of the challenge would have seen me run for the hills - or at least hide up the allotment until it had all blown over.
      I knew that if I didn't mention it, I could give up at any time and no one would be the wiser. Although, that would only have worked within the first three or four days I suspect, as any more than four consecutive posts would have given the game away.

      The finale line-up wasn't planned, but it worked out quite nicely - thank you!

  3. When I see the word "groyne" I'm saying it in my head as "groin" is that correct? I think we would call that a pier or a dock, I think it depends on the length. Quick! Change into a Selkie and measure it in anything but the metric system because, you're communicating with an American after all! ;)

    1. Yes, "groin" is correct. And breakwater is also acceptable.
      As for measuring, the sea's still too cold (and murky) to for fannying about underwater with tape measures (mine is metric on one side, imperial on the other) - even as a selkie with that layer of insulating blubber.

  4. Oh, and the postbox crabhat is adorable!

    1. I must admit, I never pay any attention to the postbox's adornments, but took a second glance at it as I walked past and - even at the risk of looking like a holidaymaker - stopped for the photo.

    2. I laugh at the thought that you wouldn't want to be caught looking like a holidaymaker/vacationer! Here in the North American Kingdom of rain, a PNW local would be embarrassed to be caught using an umbrella when it's raining! We are the birthplace of the REI store which sell all variation of rain gear, but never umbrellas!

  5. HUZZAH! you sneaky thing, you did it!! It's surprising how quickly 10 days go by, right? xoxo

    1. Thank you, Savvy! The first 7 days went pretty quickly, but the last 3 were a drag - They were very last minute as I had no ideas saved up.

  6. I wince when I see a postbox topper.

    1. Best not take a holiday here then, Mitzi. Your face will be frozen in a rictus of wincing horror!

  7. I like that railing photograph. Inspirational.

    1. I was very surprised when I plugged Camera into my PC and saw it - Witchface did well to press the shutter button at tjust the right time.

  8. Lovely Groinage Mr De.
    Fab photos as always


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?