Saturday 18 May 2024

"A Surefire Winner!!"*

* Or so Ms Scarlet says, anyway.
 Actually, I'm not sure this phone box counts because it no longer has a phone in it (and isn't even used as a urinal - as far as I'm aware, anyway). 
 So, on to other things.  Namely photos from today's Bitey walk around Northrepps and back via the allotment.
 It was a bit misty here this morning and through lunchtime - and not the moody, atmospheric mist that can make photos look better, just an insipid, half-hearted haze - so I cannot compete with Ms Scarlet's 'Weather!' photos. 
 Also, there are no sheep, just Bitey photobombing.  Oh, and a roe deer.

This photo - and the leading one - were taken as we walked up Toll's Hill out of Overstrand

Heading down Madam's Lane

Just off New Road and heading towards the disused pit
(I hope Bitey's got a clean bum - I haven't zoomed in to check yet)
Leading onto Pit Road
"Come on!  What are you dawdling for?!"
Across the field is Suffield House
Amongst the trees beyond Bitey (who I didn't realise had run into shot) are the allotments
Someone was keeping an eye out for Bitey
Under the hawthorn to the allotments
And here's my allotment.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's all fruit!
... and wild flowers.
I took a brief detour down the High Street to photograph these horse chestnut flowers before they all fall off.

They smell quite nice, too.
While I was in the village to snap the phone box, I popped to the cliff top for this photo
* * *
P.S. Ms Scarlet, Mum says did you press button B before you made your phone box calls just in case?


  1. I love that picture with the dandelion.

    1. I turned out better than I expected. It pains me to say it, but Bitey really makes the shot!

    2. I agree...clean arse and all!

    3. Phew! I'd be mortified if there was a bit of clinker hanging there.

  2. I had to find out about the function of button B *cackles* Impressive photographs especially the deer.

    PS I was going to use the word 'Stonking' to describe your photographs but I wasn't sure if it was common or not..

    1. You are clearly far too young (like me) to know about button B, Mitzi.

      Hmmm... 'Stonking'? I'm not sure that it's common, but it sounds a bit Top Gear for a refined lady such as yourself.

    2. "Stonking" was what people used to say in New-putt about someone who was fanciable - "Like, 'e's stonkin', like".

      I know, I am common. Jx

  3. I’m surprised the deer didn’t flee at the sight of Bitey! Wonderful photos, Mr Devine!
    I had to look up button B - and then it all fell into place - the ancient memory of using a phone box! It all sounds so complicated now, the little routine we had to perform to speak to someone. What I remember most clearly was the pips going and not having any change left.

    1. Like Mitzi, you are clearly far too young to recall such vagaries as button B. I occasionally had to use phone boxes in my youth, and sometimes found someone elses change in the little hopper, but I don't recall having to press a button to release it.

      The roe deer is much bigger than Bitey - unlike the little muntjacs - and would probably just look down her nose at him if he managed to get close to her. I think if Bitey ever did manage to catch up to a deer, he'd just want to give it a good sniff and maybe have a little play.

    2. Oh, I forgot to ask - What does this Geology Point do?

    3. Why, it points to geology, of course!

    4. Can you see my eyes narrowing, and my lip curling?
      Ask a silly question....

    5. Ah, yes... Ahem.

      The Geology Point is full of info about the geology of the cliffs and surrounding area. As well as the stuff stuck to the glass panes, there are some little displays/exhibits inside, if I recall. I'll have to pop in and check/get some photos for you (and anyone else who may be interested).

    6. It's interesting to see how these of boxes are being refurbed. Maybe one should become a telephone box museum, or be plastered with memories of old conversations. I like the library idea, that's sweet. And it's better that they're elevated to something more than a urinal! Christ - there are always more loos for men, it's just not fair!

    7. Perhaps some of them could be repurposed as loos?
      I really like the conversation memories idea. People could just pop in and stick up a colouful bit of paper with a quote or whole conversation they've heard, and read the others while they're there.

    8. Phone box?!?!?! I thought those red boxes were glory holes!

    9. While I'm sure they have been used in such a manner, I expect only the exhibitionist glory seekers used them as such what with all that surrounding glass.

  4. Love these pictures! I didn't know horse chestnuts had such lovely flowers. The nearest red postbox to me is in Victoria, BC just around the corner from a cool little bug museum. I can't remember if it has a phone still in it or not.

    On the topic of post boxes, my local big blue American post boxes all got broken into last week when everyone was busy mailing Mother's Day cards. Apparently, the criminals got a hold of a master key. I hope they'll fix them with a new master key soon! A lot of post offices have closed and I'm lucky to still live close to one. The parking lot is really small though, so its convenience is the drive thru drop box. I usually take the dog with me and call it a "quick sniffer trip" since we don't have to get out anywhere. Nearby is also a Cinnomon roll drive thru, coffee drive thrus (of course) and a few fast-food drive thrus for Taco Time and McDonalds. I haven't eaten at a McDonalds since 2004 and that was in the Beijing airport!

    1. I can understand Canada having red postboxes, but they had/have phones in them too?!? What a marvellous world we live in!
      Except when someone (or ones) ruin it with criminal activity, the gits.

      America has a lot of drive-throughs, doesn't it?! Does every service/establishment have one?? (Sorry, could bring myself to type "thru")

    2. On Drive thrus; it's mostly just fast food (McDonalds, KFC, etc) and coffee stands. The Cinnamon roll one is an oddity, a delicious oddity! They're most commonly seen just off the freeways and highways since the U.S. is such a big country that requires a lot of car travel. I live in a suburban area that has a few, but not an annoying amount. I mostly prefer to go in and sit down, but its nice to have the option sometimes. It was very useful during the pandemic and when you want to pick up food on the way home for yourself and the rest of the family.

    3. I would be in favour of a cinnamon roll drive-thru around here. Very much in favour. Yum!

  5. That is not at all what I thought Horse Chestnut flowers look like. Huh

    1. I have just looked it up and discovered that California has their very own variety of horse chestnut named, funnily enough, Aesculus californica. And the flower panicles do look rather different to our European variety, Aesculus hippocastanum.

  6. I do so love a trail through the woods or prairie. You never know what or who you might come upon! Bring wet wipes.

    1. You're likely to be disappointed around here, Mr Tonking - deer are about the most exciting thing one might happen upon.

      Although, there was that shirtless young man laying under a tree last summer...

  7. Delightful country walk, dear Mr DeVice! Ferns, foxgloves and hedge parsley - and who knew that horse chestnut flowers were scented? I suppose in Spring it's likely they just "enter the meld" of multiple scents that perfume the air, like roses, wallflowers, jasmine, hesperis and so on ... Jx

    1. And also because most of the flowers are pretty high up in a tree!

      (These ones were hanging low enough for me to have a sniff while on tiptoes)


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?