Saturday 23 June 2018

Beaky Babies

 As you can tell, this is not a geologically fascinating chalk bed (non-geological fascination may vary and is not guaranteed) as alluded to in my last post, but an alert blackbird of the "you little turd" variety.
 Yes, the vile little bastard has spawned yet another brood of unspeakable evil as the following photos will illustrate.  The only good news is that they seem to be running Beaky ragged!

The little git has resorted to eating pink food like some common or garden tit!

I have to admit, he's getting quite good at it.  Much better than in previous years - not even a flash of cloaca.

Ah.  Here's the first of his monstrous offspring

Grumpy little sod.

I can't believe Beaky is pandering to them.  Mrs Beaky must be keeping an eye on him...
(apologies for the reflection-streaked photos - these were taken through a window)

Within seconds, Fatherhood has reduced Beaky to a mere scruffy shadow of his former self*

With Beaky engaged with his family, life can carry on as normal for other birds like this greenfinch...

... and its dorky looking fledgling.

"Feed me.  Feed me now!"

A young blue tit and a house sparrow take advantage of the Beaky-less feeder

Another young blue tit and its mum or dad

A chaffinch with his back to me.  Rude!

A couple of starlings having a bath

Having had enough of Beaky, I wandered to the cliff top and spied some...


Although the sea was very calm, the sky was quite dramatic

* OK, so that's not Beaky.  It's one of his imposters who isn't doing so well in the fatherhood stakes.  Beaky would never let himself go as much as this!


 I might post the chalk bed photos next.  But then again, I was out last night (almost until the Witching Hour) taking photos of the sky, so you might see those instead.  Or, something else, depending upon what I can be bothered to do!


  1. Good god! Those chicks would have Imposter Beaky ripped to shreds for lunch!

    1. It looks like he's already experienced "breakfast"!

  2. The black bird family and the starlings here both have babies. Two observations. 1- They too look like grumpy little things, and two, all they do is scream and squawk all day. They land on the sill where there is a abundance of seed and berries, yet still make mom mouth feed them.

    1. They are so lazy! And just look at the size of them - more than capable of feeding themselves at this point, methinks. As much as I despise Beaky, I have a certain admiration for what he has to cope with.

  3. Your birds are fantastic! Love the variety and the contrast of the parents look compared to the fledglings. They're whinnying, dramatic teenagers now. Soon, they'll be off on their own.

    The bunny shots are awesome! They look like sculptures, so poised and chill yet looking ready to bolt if they needed to. They look so healthy and strong and delicious!

    Thanks for the marvelous views of the cliffs and your lively garden wildlife.

    1. And just like ungrateful teenagers, they're eating us out of house and home. You wouldn't believe how much food they get through in a day!

      As for the bunnies: the other day was the first time I'd seen them on the cliff there. I'd seen their pellets every time I went down the cliff, so I knew they were around, but I'd just never clocked them.

  4. I'm going to hide. I can't stand bloody people and their bloody children, never mind animals. All they do is moan that they're knackered and have no money. Well don't bastard have children, you stupid twat, I empathetically reply.
    Beaky has finally lost my sympathy and needs to persuade Mrs Beaky to let him accidentally enter by the tradesman's entrance!

    1. "Well don't bastard have children, you stupid twat" - Bwah hah ha haa! Possibly the best comment all year!

      And not her tradesman's entrance - one of his imposters' (just not the scruffy, motheaten-looking one - Beaky can do better).

  5. You don't like blackbirds. I don't like cockatoos. (they can spend a whole afternoon breaking things, just for the hell of it.No useful purpose, like feeding.No, they just sit in a tree any tree will do, and snap off branches with those viscious beaks. We had a rain gauge...bloody cockies snipped chunks out of it so we replaced it.The buggers broke that, too.
    I like blackbirds though we don't have Old World ones here. I believe they can be a wee bit of a pest in tidy gardens.(No danger here, then :-) )

    1. Yes I've seen cockatoos just breaking things for no apparent reason. I'm glad we don't have them over here. Although, Greater London's ring-necked parakeets seem to be spreading...

      As for blackbirds, I like them in general, it's just certain specific ones I have an issue with!

  6. Awwww... cute baby blackbirds!! I am looking forward to ours taking flight so that the hedges can be cut back... the lanes have become dangerously narrow.

    1. Those hedges had better get cut pretty soon. If your blackbirds are anything like ours, they'll be starting another brood imminently!


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?