Monday, 28 May 2018

Riotous Rhododendrons!

  There are no cowpats in this one, just Rhododendrons:

 I don't know what varieties these are (there were no labels), but they're all gorgeous and clash fabulously!


  1. You were right - no cowpats, just fabulous frills!!

    P.S I'm having real issues getting past the security page to your blog and had to go the long way round and use the back door.

    1. I have a security page?

      Hang on a mo...

      *logs out and tries getting in as a prole*

      Do you mean that content warning thingy (for those odd times that there might be swearing or a photo of a tayloo), or is it something else? I only came up against the content warning, and it let me through with barely a glance. I thought I looked young enough to at least warrant a look through narrowed eyes...

      Is anyone else having difficulties?

    2. Yes... the content warning page! I forgot what it was called! I had to enter via your profile page. It might be me, as my broadband speed seems to have gone plop, which might be due to the weather, or a cow standing on a cable.
      Anyhow, I was getting the content warning page for less than a second and then simply a white screen. The white screen of anticipation. I waited ages and nothing happened so I used the back entrance. There is always a way!

    3. How bizarre? I do sometimes get a white screen after a flash of content warning, but scrolling up gets me to the top of the page and the warning bit which I can then click on and enter. However, this only seems to happen if I wander off and do something else then come back hours later and click for the comments - Blogger appears to forget I'm an adult in my absence, and gets me to state that I am again upon my return. Do you get the option of scrolling up?

      Anyway, I'm glad you're still able to squeeze in, even if it is via my long unused backdoor...

    4. I haven't even posted a comment but want to say...I wonder if this delay nonsense is not somehow connected to the GDPR or NKVD or whatever the hell it is? I think so many people are hitting things at the same time the system just goes kerflooey.
      Dear gods of the otherworld!it was so much easier when you had to find a 'phone box, insert your pennies and ring someone to find out where the hot party was on Saturday...!
      Um..I've forgotten what I came here for...Oh! That's right! Rhodies! Utterly goregeous.I was was so entranced i didn't even notice Jake's bum.He could have been in his hammock an' a thousand mile away...

    5. I just stare at the white screen and wait patiently....for 5 seconds... then I try other methods of entry.

    6. Sorry Dianhmow, it is not the NKVD anymore. It once was the Tchecka, the NGBD, the NKVD & MGB (GRU), KGB, today it's FSB.
      I hope I put all abbreviations in here to rake in a little attention ...

  2. I've noticed the entry problem on several blogs and suspect it to be a hiccup because of changing data protection laws in Europe which is an opportunity for blogging platforms to prevent people reaching blogs by putting up even more warnings than usual, which then of course conflict with each other and the gentle reader has to find another route of penetration.
    Dammit, the changes they've made have even caused the (long legally - binding) cookie warning to work on my own blog so I will have to find some other way to rebel.
    BTW if you have trouble with your back entrance I can recommend a local man who will see to it for you. After he opened mine up the boy next door started coming round and banging on it all the time!

    1. Yes! Exactly (although I don't have some kid being a pest at the back door...)

    2. I think I might leave my backdoor as it is for now, as I don't really want all and sundry banging at it and spoiling my peace and quiet...

  3. What ravishing, remarkable, resplendent Rhododendrons! Vibrant, Radiant, and Colorful! Just absolutely empyrean! What a magnificent and marvelous and magical sight! Kudos on capturing these gorgeous, glamorous floral gems! These fotos would make a lovely and wonderful art book!

    1. The blooms really are magnificent, aren't they! Sheringham Park is a wonder at this time of year.

  4. Delightful, colorful pix! Thank you!

    PS: I have not encountered access problems here or elsewhere.

    "Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor not an IT expert ... oh ... wait." Dr McCoy Star Trek "The Troubles With Blogger"

    1. You'd better hope The Very Mistress doesn't see this! You might find yourself out of a job.
      Although it would leave more time for your pillow fluffing duties.

  5. Utterly breathtaking photos! I love Rhododendrons; their flowers are somewhat other-worldly - like Triffids, but in drag. Jx

    PS My blog email notifications have completely stopped today! However, even as a fellow Gentleman of the Back Door I had no problem entering without resort to any diversionary tactics...

    1. I wish we'd had more time to walk around the whole park, as there are loads of Rhodies that we didn't see. I'm sure that even more varieties would have made themselves known (hopefully without spitting poison in my eye and then drawing in nutrients from my rotting corpse).

      Like LẌ, I haven't had any blog problems either but, as you say, even if I did, we Gentlemen of the Back Door can continue with our usual state of affairs.

  6. What lovely, dramatic flowers. I don't think I've ever seen varigated ones.

    They grow wild in the south east U.S. and will cover whole mountains. The wild ones also have the most delicious and delicate scent.

    1. We have wild ones around here, too, but they're mostly purple with the occasional white one. I was continually amazed at the different varieties Sheringham Park has on display. I didn't notice any scent, though. Perhaps these colourful cultivars have lost their scent at the expense of showiness?

  7. Adorable photos my soil does not support these plants , mores the pity x

    1. I have a couple here at Chateau DeVice in pots of acidic compost which seem to do quite well - Perhaps you could try the same? Plus, they don't grow so big as the wild ones, and so won't take over the garden!

  8. Replies
    1. Definitely overrated. How is your Aloe aristata doing? And your Crassula ovata (money tree)?


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?