Sunday, 27 May 2018

Bank Holiday Cowpats

  It's another Bank Holiday weekend here in Blighty and, in what is getting to be par for the course, the sun is actually out and the breeze is balmy (and not freezing).  I should think The Queen forgot to turn the weather back on after last weekend's Royal Wedding...
  So, taking advantage of HRH's forgetfulness, my youngest sister, Inexcuseable, whisked her son (Count Podgekinson) and I off to Sheringham Park to see the rhododendrons.  She wanted to go with her husband, but he was too busy staying in bed or de-nymphing the dishwasher, or somesuch...
  As usual, I ended up taking absolutely loads of photos (79) and only managed to whittle them down to 67, so I've split them up into three posts: this one, which features shots of the park; the next one, which is purely rhododendrons; and another tree-focused post which may or may not see the light of day.
  Anyway, on with the show:

After stowing Inexcuseable's magic carpet behind a tree and unloading all the baby-related paraphernalia, we set off

Inexcuseable was concerned that we'd be too late to see all the rhododendron blossoms, but she needn't have worried


... and Count Podgekinson (don't worry, we didn't leave him there)

I love this carpet of fuchsia-pink!

This little shit wouldn't stay still for his/her photo op

From the top of a viewing tower, the rhododendrons are like a carpet

Not quite as spectacular as Ms Scarlet's Big Pink Bush™ but showy enough


Thar be cowpats here!
This is a cowpat made by an actual cow, rather than one that's been manufactured in a city and brought to the countryside, Hound.

Weybourne windmill

This is a taste of what's to come in the next post...


  1. Wow!! Vastness!! I love a bit of vast. And I also love the fuschia pink carpet.
    My big pink bush is about to burst forth. I am just saying.

    1. The Vastness was quite hot, even at 9 o'clock in the morning, so we mostly stayed in the shady woods amongst the rhododendrons. I was disappointed to discover that not all of it was fuschia carpeted. I suppose we should have let them know we were coming...

      I hope you are going to some photos of your Big Pink Bush again for The Very Mistress's Garden Photos Event thingy this year?

  2. I'm sorry to say you've missed a trick here. The main function of the National Trust is so that doting Uncles can take their siblings' children to the houses and make unreasonable promises. Just imagine the effect of taking Count Podgekinson to a house (pronounced hice) to rival Chatsworth and say, 'One day all this will be yours'! You can't do that with a cowpat. Not even a Brummie one.

    1. Ooh, unreasonable promises! That'll be something to look forward to when he's old enough to understand English. I'll tell him while he's enjoying a Mini-Milk on the decking (pronounced veranda).

  3. What a beautiful and picturesque park! The trees are lush and the flowers are vibrant and colorful! Absolutely enchanting! All made more magical by the lovely baby content in the shade of the welcoming trees. What a magnificent grand house and spectacular open fields and rolling hills! Love the windmill and the charming woods. I'm surprised you did not foto any brownies or sprites or pixies. But I suppose since it's a holiday, they're off to Ibiza for a weekend getaway.

    The squirrel shot is fantastic! As are the cattle ones. I admire the cowpat shot as proof that these are real cattle not fakes.

    Thanks for the awesome fotos! Y'all are having great weather!

    1. Count Podgekinson was only content after he'd devoured two of the cows. I just hope the National Trust don't send the heavies round!

  4. Lovely images, sweetpea! I do love that house, but being the non-smart* person I am, all I can think of is the upkeep and Sweet Mary Sunshine, the taxes! ;) xoxo

    *even I know that posh is no longer the acceptable term

    1. It is quite nice, but it's practically a cottage! And don't worry about the upkeep - these houses have staff (whose wages will make your eyes water a lot more than the taxes)!

  5. Lovely day out.
    Like Scarlet, I love some vast.We don't get much vast in the suburbs...

    1. It was lovely, thank you. And, we managed to get in and out before 10am when the hoards descended upon the park!

  6. Those mounds of rhododendrons are amazing!

    The Queen has set the weather to 11 here. Near 100f/38c every day since the wedding!

    1. Oh, dear. I'll give her a ring in the morning and get her to do something about it. I would do it now, but it's 10 pm, and if I disturb her it'll be "off with his head!"


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?