Friday 22 October 2021

Wet Shags with Old Groynes

 Oh, there's so much to do and yet so little time!
 Where has the year gone?  And why do I have the feeling that something important is coming up?
Well, why don't you look at the calendar, you dolt?!
 But what a splendid idea:

 Ah, just in time!  Allowing for time zones and other time travel-related nonsense, while still the 22nd here, it is the 23rd in Queensland so: Happy birthday, Dinahmow!
 And in a couple of days time, it will be Mistress Maddie's turn on the birthday merry-go-round!


As a little bonus, here are some photos from Friday that didn't make the cut:

"Oh, Christ.  It's that silly witch with their camera again.  Let's go!"



Only enough room for one more at the End-of-the-Line

"And that's what I think to that!"


  Finally, for those of you who still haven't sent me your photos for this year's Garden Photos Event (and Terrifying Triffidery exhibit), you still have a week to get your acts together and email them in.  See this post for details.



  1. I need that calendar...

    Birthday greetings in advance for Dinahmow and Pam Demic!

    When's that other old slapper The Very Mistress's birthday, or have I missed that one?


    1. As far as I'm aware, The Very Mistress has not disclosed her birthday. I have to wonder if it's because the calendar and the concept of dates had not yet been invented when she arrived in this world?

    2. I've got it written down in my address book as pridie Kalendas Aprilis.

      I've sent you a few pics.

    3. I had to look up "pridie Kalendas Aprilis", but it rings a bell - perhaps TVM did mention it once? Or gave a vague clue?

      Garden photos safely received - thank you!

    4. Cheeky bastards. All of you.

  2. Lovely photos, as always. Isn't nature the best. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you, Upton. Nature does put on a good show. Well, mostly. That last cormorant bucks the trend for sure...

  3. Oh, nice calendar! Shits an all! Even if it didn't make the cut. I will be sending some pictures next week before the Thursday deadline! Nice to see so many others around here are also end of the year babies.

    I can't wait to see all the flower pictures come together! Thank you for being the host! Now promptly head over to ProximaBlue and tell me you like the Star Trek meme. :) I'm sorry, there's no naughty porpoises.

    1. Ooh! A Star Trek meme?

      * spies Riker and Picard on the sideboard *

      I'll be right there!

    2. testing ://Mod Podge (see my comment on Hounds post 10/24)

    3. You have me flummoxed, Melanie. Is this some bizarre, new-fangled witchcraft?

  4. Yes happy birthday to Dinah Mow and Mistress Maddie!
    I have just worked out how old I am in human years and am writing to the Guinness Book of Records.

  5. Many happiest birthday greetings to Dinah and Madam Mads!!!!
    I WANT THAT CALENDAR!!!!! Who do I have to wrestle to get it?

    1. Wrestling? Well, not me - you can have it! The only wrestling I'm interested in is that trifle-wrestling Take That took part in for their "Do What You Like" video!

  6. Well, thank you, all, for the happies.I celebrated by swimming unders-and-overs against the Kreepy Krawly.

    And while I'm here...Mr King, I probably owe you an apology. I have been reading your monica as "up-tonking" which I took to mean you hang out at the smarter end of town. Do you?

    1. I can't help imagine something like this (scroll down to "Bed Bugs & Broomsticks") when you mention your Kreepy Krawly...

      I must admit that for the longest time I also read dear Upton's Blog name as "up-tonking" (and it's still hard not to). What is "tonking"? And do I want to know?

    2. Every time I read 'Up-tonking' my brain would sing a couple of lines from Uptown funk!
      Apologies! Crikey, Mr Tonking has his own theme tune!

    3. Gasp! Maybe was should all have our own theme tunes?
      This feels like it could be a post for A Write Panic...

  7. Oh dear! That monster would not fit in our pool! Kreepy Krauly is a pool cleaner Mr Google has pretty pics.

    And, on the up-tonking thing...I thought perhaps it was some sort of fraternity code-word for things girls don't know about.

    1. Crikey! That looks like some sort of torture device. Please tell me you take it out before swimming?


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?