impending deadline of this year's Garden Photos Event.
Yes, it's time for another reminder to submit your snaps for the 2021
Garden Photos Event
So I'm expecting more muttering when he sees this post...
Just like last year, the Infomaniac Garden Photos Event will be held here at this very blog in November. So, for those of you who wish to take part - and for those of you who don't but are going to anyway so that you don't get nagged/berated/turned-into-a-frog-or-woodlouse etc. - please email me your garden photo/s by Thursday 28th October!
You can submit just one photo (of a prized specimen/object of ridicule, or your whole garden), or a multitude of snaps showcasing all manner of green-fingered/thumbed efforts. And please include a brief - or verbose - blurb with each photo/set-of-photos, ideally something that amongst other things (gardening tales, tips & observations, full on rants about shovelling horse shit, for example) states what the plant is, because I'm not
Jon (The Official Plant Spotter of Blogdom) and I don't want to do any more research than I have to!
If you submit three or more photos (and blurb/s) you'll almost certainly get a GPE post all to yourself. One or two photos will probably mean that you'll end up sharing the limelight with another member of the Blogorati - Except for
Hound who has already sent me his "photo" and, due to the subject matter, will be enjoying a post all of his own.
I'm sure you'll thank me when you gaze upon his gardening methods!
Almost forgot: As well as your GPE photo/s, if you have something suitable, please also send me a photo/photos of terrifying Triffids, poisonous plants, or carnivorous Caryophyllales (look it up) for the Hallowe'en warm-up event: Terrifying Triffidery! And if you don't have anything suitable, just take some extreme close-up/weirdly lit/oddly angled photos of otherwise ordinary plants for that creepy look. If you get stuck, why not take a look at
last year's Triffids for ideas.
And for any of The Very Mistress's old guard Bitches, or any lurkers or only occasional/sporadic visitors here who would like to take part - please do! If you're not sure what this is all about, please
click here for info and a little history. and
here for links to last year's gardens. Oh, and don't worry if you haven't ever commented here before, and don't concern yourselves with not knowing who we are/us not knowing who you are - the more the merrier!
Besides, we'll need a few extra bodies to placate the Triffids...
Shhhhhh!!! We're supposed to be encouraging people to join in,
not scaring them off!
Don't listen to them. No one will be thrown to the Triffids. Although, if you stumble over an errant plant pot and fall in, well...
Anyway, photos and blurbs can be sent to my blog's gmail account (just click on my profile link on my Sideboard to get it), or to my personal hotmail account (for those of you who have it) - by Thursday 28th October (
Savvy! This means you!!).
I'm really looking forward to seeing how your gardens grow!