Tuesday 1 September 2020

Infomaniac Garden Photos Event - Reminder #2

The House of
10th Anniversary Garden Photos Event

is being held here rather than at The Very Mistress's this year.  RememberRemember?!?

 We're posting this reminder mainly for Savvy.
 Yeah, you all know what she's like with competitions, challenges, and events.
Absolutely hopeless.  I don't know how many Tin Foil Hat Competitions she's missed?
 Oh, yeah!
 Anyway, for the rest of you, we still haven't decided exactly when the Garden Photos Event will begin, other than at the end of October/beginning of November.  There are a number of reasons why the date is still undetermined: One of which is that it's our 15th Blog Anniversary on the 15th Octob-
 No it's not!
 I said: No.  It's not!
 Well, when is it, then?
 Ummm... [hastily looks it up]  The 9th.
 Oh.  That's too early.  The Very Mistress's garden may still not have thawed out by then.  We need to give her frozen greenery time to put forth at least a couple of shoots before winter sets in again, so we can't have it coinciding with our anniversary.
 Well, shit.  Now we'll have to come up with an actual anniversay post!
 What about Hallowe'en?  If we have the grand opening then, we won't have to come up with a separate Hallowe'en post?
 Oh, that's a good idea!
For a change...


This book might come in handy:
Gardeners Guide to Unfuckable Plants
[seen at Tor.com and MacMillan Publishers]


 Right.  Well now that we've got the date sorted out - kind of - get out into your garden/on your balcony/near your pot plant/in your vegetable drawer and get snapping!  I'll ask you to email me your photos nearer the time, so you've got nearly a couple of months to come up with a selection of photos to show off your green fingers (or other body parts).
 Oh, yes!  Almost forgot: We're having a Terrifying Triffidery exhibit this year.  A  place to show off your horticultural horrors or otherwise ordinary plants that have been photographed from odd angles/close up/while drunk which make them look out of this world.  So, get inventive/within-2-metres/drinking and get that camera out!

 Also, I'm still humming and hahing about a "Guess The Plant" quiz - we'll see if I can be bothered nearer the time...
 But first, here are some specimens from the gardens of Hexenhäusli Device:


Sunflower "Teddy Bear"

Some sort of Zantedeschia - rehmannii possibly?  Anyway, it's a Calla lily


I'm not sure what this is?
It's mostly all leaf, but hiding underneath at the end of the long stems are these chandelier/pendulum-like red/purple berries (that develop from white flowers).  Jon?

A big, blousy fuchsia under the bird table

A small, but prolific fuchsia on the paysho

And, finally, Eucomis "Sparkling Burgandy"

When are we going to announce the name change?
Don't ask me.  When it's too late for any complaining to do anything about it, I shouldn't wonder!


  1. Not sure about the "Terrifying Triffidery" bit (I'll give that some thought), but I am looking forward to collating some examples of the finery that the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers has provided us this year!


    PS The "unidentified" specimen is Leycesteria formosa (aka Himalayan Honeysuckle or Pheasant Berry), I believe.

    1. However will you choose your examples, Jon? Everything in your garden is lovely!

      Thank you for the identification (once again) - you are really earning your title as The Official Plant Spotter (not only of The Device Mansion and its Extended Witchdom, but also) of All Blogdom!

    2. Ah, how fitting! Thank you, Dinah.

  2. That calla Lily is gorgeous!!!!! You want me to get drunk and take pictures? You may regret that. You never know what you may get pictures of my dear....... including my own triffid. Is this a R or X rated event anyhow?

    1. I think I'm going to have to resurrect the "Adult Content Warning"...

  3. Wait! What? There's a contest? When did this happen? Was I gone for the announcement? I have to take photos? and when's the next Tin Foil Hat Competition again? I have so many questions!!! Hold on, wait, how much time did you say I had? Months? Well, Hell, I've got P L E N T Y o'time!! *insert big cheesy grin here* (I really am hopeless, aren't I?) xoxo for you sugarpie!

    1. Oh, Savvy, you are priceless!
      Yes, you have plenty of time, and I'll pop up another couple of reminders as the date nears x

  4. Oops, unfortunate misread alert! For a moment there I thought you were pondering over whether to have a guest plant. I was considering dressing up as a daisy as the penny dropped. Are the opticians open yet? Shall I dress up as a daisy anyway?

    1. Oh, flora & foliage fancy dress! There's an idea. Perhaps you should dress up to gauge interest, and then introduce a "dressing up" segment when you and your Big Pink Bush inevitably host the Garden Photos Event?

  5. I am still here. Suddenly remembered Aidan Turner in a towel.

    1. There's an awful lot of lascivious glances left lying around here. And drool.

      * grabs towel off nearby rail and - OH! *

  6. Scarlet, it's always Jake arse for me, sweetpea! xoxo

  7. "plants ... photographed ... while drunk" - So I have to share the hooch with that cactus for the next six weeks ?! Zut alors ...

    1. Well, don't share the good stuff, Mago. Cacti just don't appreciate it.

  8. I'm hoping the Drag Queen will be flaunting his fluffy blooms in time...

    1. When does your Drag Queen start performing? I could always leave your photos until last (along with The Very Mistress's) to ensure a good show?


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?