As I don't have anything else prepared at the moment, and it's been nearly two and a half months since the last book post, I thought I'd gracefully alight that bandwagon again.
Yes, if an idea's worth copying once, it's worth copying again!
So, with thanks to Ms Scarlet (the originator of the books on chairs premise if you couldn't be bothered to click on the previous links), may I present:
Books on chairs and other seating conveniences II
33. Zero Sum Game (Star Trek: Typhon Pact), by David Mack (2010)
Ug. Well, this novel was a chore to get through this time around. Continuing with my re-read of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine relaunch, Zero Sum Game managed to make one of my favourite DS9 characters - Doctor Bashir - into an whiny, insipid, love-lorn mess. And the object of his affection, the annoying Sarina Douglas, hasn't been written with any qualities (that I can see) to be attractive to the good doctor. I just don't get it? Plus, I'm over the whole espionage/Section 31 malarkey.
This book doesn't deserve to be photographed on a chair even if I did have the time and inclination to do so!
I last read this book back in 2011, here (the very first wwwWOW! post, no less).
34. Rough Beasts of Empire (Star Trek: Typhon Pact), by David R. George III (2011)
Phew! Back to a decent Trek novel. I'm not going to photograph this one on a chair either - or any of the Star Trek books - because: a) I don't think any of you really care for Star Trek (except Eros, maybe), and: b) I don't have enough different chairs!
Rough Beasts of Empire was also last read back in 2011 (in the second wwwWOW! post).
35. Rules of Accusation (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), by Paula M. Block and Terry Erdman (2016)
Taking a break from the DS9 re-read, but still sticking to DS9, Rules of Accusation was delivered to my Kindle on the 4th of July. It's a novella with a Ferengi-centric story that is the latest installment in the ongoing DS9 story arc (set late in the year 2385). When the Rules of Acquisition Sacred Scroll is discovered to be a fake, Quark, Rom, Odo, Zek, Ishka and co. try to unravel the mystery and locate the original.
This was a quick, fun read that felt like one of DS9's amusing standalone episodes.
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House by Mouse propped up on Car's gearstick |
Ah. One of my favourite childhood books! House by Mouse was found by a friend in our bookcase amongst gardening and recipe books, so it was the perfect opportunity to give it another read. Well, I say "read" - it's more of a picture book with accompanying text.
It's about Henrietta Mouse, an architect, and the homes she designs for various animals. I like Cat's Japanese-style house, and Squirrel's treehouse, but Henrietta's own house is my favourite.
My copy has been annotated in felt-tipped pen by a seven-year old Inexcuseable with critiques of each house: "nice nice home", she had to say about Squirrel's house; and "not a nice home" for Owl's tower-top home. Not a page has been left unruined by her!
37. Plagues of Night (Star Trek: Typhon Pact), by David R. George III (2012)
More of the DS9 re-read. Deep Space Nine blows up at the end of this one...
38. Raise the Dawn (Star Trek: Typhon Pact), by David R. George III (2012)
... and is replaced by a brand spanking new space station in this one!
39. Brinkmanship (Star Trek: Typhon Pact), by Una McCormack (2012)
As I said back here "Una McCormack can do no wrong! She is my favourite 'Trek author at the moment, having penned my very favourite Star Trek novels; The Never Ending Sacrifice, Brinkmanship, and The Crimson Shadow".
Even though I've read it before, Brinkmanship had me on the edge of my seat in places. The suspense in the stand-off between the Cardassians and the Tzenkethi (a race mentioned but not seen in the TV show, and realised with depth and understanding by McCormack) is skillfully written, as is the delightful friendship between "Mayazan" (a Cardassian spy) and Corazame (a simple, lower echelon Tzenkethi girl), and their ensuing dramas in trying to throw off the attentions of "Hertome" (a Federation spy) and get Mayazan to her pick-up point to return to Cardassia. This novel is also a starring vehicle for Doctor Beverly Crusher (who I believe is seriously underused elsewhere), Ravel Dygan, an adorably hot Cardassian officer serving aboard the Enterprise as part of an officer exchange program, and Ezri Dax, captain of the USS Aventine (formerly a counsellor, then command officer on Deep Space 9 before it blew up).
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The Days Are Just Packed relaxing in the garden |
I started to read Revelation and Dust, but was just sick-to-the-back-teeth of Star Trek (I know!), so I picked up The Days Are Just Packed instead! And, as ever, Calvin and Hobbes never fail to amuse and amaze me.
While poring through this collection, though, I found myself wondering about the layout and furniture in Calvin's house. This is something I've lightly pondered before, as the house either contains an inordinate number of chairs and sofas/settees, or Calvin's Mum (I suppose I should really say "Mom" as this is American?) and/or Dad like to re-upholster and rearrange their seating conveniences.
Hmmm... Perhaps I should do some research and come back with another blog post on this very subject?
* Post title from page 84.
Deleted scenes:
I …was just sick-to-the-back-teeth of Star Trek.
ReplyDeleteHow do you think I feel?
I must read that adorable “House by Mouse” book which I’ve never heard of before but before I get to that, I’m concerned about the state of the tan lines that slatted chair will cause. Oh wait, you don’t tan, do you?
The illustrations (by Doris Smith) are just lovely! And as well as the house that Henrietta has designed, there are usually things going on in the background - Henrietta's helpers fetching & carrying, the home-owner observing, and even Henrietta relaxing in a rubber-ring at Frog's House! Plus, there are some delightful "outtakes" and "behind-the-scenes"-type illustrations on the inside covers and scattered through the first few pages.
DeleteAs for the Star Trek: Sorry.
Books On Car Seats is more action-packed and interesting than any of the features on the god-awful last season of the new Top Gear. And ... less shouty!
ReplyDeleteI shall petition the BBC to take on this new series to replace Top Gear. Although, I imagine Ms Scarlet will want a cut, too...
DeleteYes, I will!!!
You're right. I like the Trek reviews, because I'm a big scifi nerd! And some of my fave Trek episodes--across the spectrum of series--were stand alone episodes that entertained & expanded the Trek characters & universe. Thanks for the House by Mouse recommendation. I've some young'uns that I buy books for. Though, I'll be sure they use pencil, not ink to make their critiques of the homes...
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention to The Very Mistress, so I'll mention it here to you, I think House by Mouse is called "Need a House? Call Ms Mouse!" over the pond?
DeleteIf I dressed up as a book could I sit in that Alfa Romeo? Please?
ReplyDeleteAnd you've reminded me that I should look at "Mouse" again, too.Thank you.
Ah, you have a copy, too? House by Mouse is a popular book!
DeleteI wouldn't make you dress up as a book to sit in Car. Although, if you wanted an actual ride...
Cars, broomsticks, horses...I'm game!
ReplyDeleteIn that case, you can dress up as "Witches Abroad" for a ride in/on Car/Broom, and "Faust- uh, I mean, Eric" for a ride on Svaathor da Vjis (the nearest I've got to a horse - I'm sure he won't mind). And I'm thinking of the original covers by Josh Kirby, in case you're wondering.
DeleteI like how you subvert the 'the book on the chair' meme, by not having all the books on chairs.... clever. I like it.
Oh, um... Yes. Of course it was intentional. By abandoning representationalism I'm free to express myself with, uh... no chairs. Specific interpretation gives way to a more visceral response. And stuff...