Oh, dear. I haven't done so well on the reading front this month. I put the blame squarely on book number fifteen...

And the reason for the aforementioned blame is that this book was a chore to read. A chore! I think it's because the story seemed somewhat aimless and Liir, the titular son of a witch, was too sullen, antisocial and whiny.
After the death of his mother, Liir sets out to find his half-sister, Nor, first by travelling to the Emerald City with Dorothy following her "accidental" (yeah, right!) killing of the witch, Elphaba. Once Dorothy buggers off back to Kansas (and good riddance), Liir sets out on his quest but get distracted by, in no particular order: old nuns, being-taken-advantage-of and having-a-baby-with a slutty girl-nun, underground city prisons, Elphaba's broom, talking birds, dragons, having a stab-in-the-dark with a hot, blond, dragon-trainer (although almost all of said stabbing is left up to one's own imagination), Glinda and an elephant in human form. Sounds pretty exciting, doesn't it? It's not, though. I'd go as for as to say: Don't bother with this one.

After the boredom of Oz it was nice to get back to the sanctity of the Star Trek Universe with this somewhat indulgent tale of Spock's protege, Saavik.
Set just after the Whale Probe Crisis of Star Trek IV, the GNDN story of a tumultuous year in Saavik's life includes double & triplecrossing espionage, a first contact with a race of giant worms, an intimate encounter and insight into Vulcan's most prominent family.
It was a nice book to get lost in, but ultimately, brings nothing new to Star Trek. However, it was nicely written and paced, with plenty of familiar touches and showed more of the Vulcan way of life, which I always find fascinating.
* No. Not you Timothy Elizabeth Leng. Unless you've been using your Media Whoring powers to insinuate yourself into this book. Albeit as a wizened old Vulcan High Priestess! Anyway, the title of this post comes from page 309.
17. The Little Book of Essential Foreign Swear Words, by Emma Burgess
Not exactly a great work of literature, but it is mildly amusing if one likes this kind of thing. Which I don't, particularly, but I received it as a novelty birthday gift so I felt obligated to read it.
As well as translations from English to French, German, Spanish & Italian of most of the well known swear words, there's also a section on phrases and another on random rudeness from around the world.
I'll leave you with a couple of my favourite phrases:
"Est-ce que c'est un bronzage ou avez-vous de la merde sur vos doigts?"
"Dein Schwanz ist so klein, dass es 'ne Maus nicht merkt, wenn du sie fickst."
You can do the translations yourselves, or just guess if you don't have a clue.