I'm sure it won't come as any surprise when I tell you that I've been somewhat slack with regards to blogging this year - both posting here, and reading all of yours. And the Host hasn't been much better, either.
Well, isn't it true?
Yes. I suppose so. Except for June and November.
Anyway, June and November aside, we've pretty much given up on our annual "Year of..." extravaganza, and instead focused on one very important award that always features towards the end of said extravaganza. And that award is, the Most Inconvenient Birthday Award.
Only this year, it's the Most Convenient as it's saved us from exploding with frustration and exhaustion in an attempt to pack two or three days worth of work into just a couple of hours!
And so, we'd like to present this golden, hazelnutty, chocolatey award to, none other than
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