Friday, 25 November 2022

The Infomaniac Garden Photos Event 2022 Finale

Garden Photos Event
2022 Finale

 Oh!  You're all here already!  I wasn't expecting you so soon.  I was just dismissing the Official Hexenhäusli Device Woodsman.  He won't be long - he's just wiping off the excitement of having tended to my wood...

 While he sorts himself out, why not have a scroll through this round-up of 2022's Garden Photos Event?

Programme of Events
Monday, 31st October

Tuesday, 1st November
The 2022 Infomaniac Garden Photos Event kicks off with dandelions and ducks
 (well, a duck, anyway)
Thursday, 3rd November
Dinah gets us all moist with her erotic exotic show
Saturday, 5th November
Mitzi unleashes her bullmastiff
Tuesday, 8th November
Maddie moons in her water garden
Thursday, 10th November
Sunday, 13th November
Savvy Bucket Bouquet, Lady of the House!
Tuesday, 15th November
Friday, 18th November
Melanie makes the boys wink
Sunday, 20th November
Wednesday, 23rd November

Most Popular Plants
 Despite our differing climes, aspects, soil types, and experience, all of us grew plants that could be found in at least one other Blogorati garden, so I've come up with a list of the most popular.
 As with last year, I'm only counting featured or easily recognisable plants, not those blurry, out-of-focus ones lolling around in the background (although I had to make an exception in a tie-break situation).
In third place, or on show in three different gardens (past or present):
Salvias  at Dinah's, Maddie's, and Jon's
Hippeastrums  at Dinah's, Jon's, and mine
Fuchsias  at Ms Scarlet's, Jon's, and mine
Ferns  at Jon's, Mr Tonking's, and mine 

In second place, on show in four different gardens each:
Roses  at Maddie's, Jon's, Mr Tonking's, and mine

And the most popular plant, growing and showing in five different gardens each:
Flowers can be seen at Dinah's, Mitzi's, Melanie's, and Jon's.  And the tie-breaker - a distant, non-flowering tree at my old place.
  And to prove that it was in fact a hibiscus, here on the right is a photo of it in flower:

As you can see, Jon has a plant in all six categories, beating my five.  And in a surprise turn of events, Dinah has plants in three of the categories - no longer revelling in the exclusivity of last year's growing & showing of unique plants (although she's still got quite the collection of unique specimens).

This year, it was Savvy who bucked the 'most popular plant' trend, but that doesn't mean she managed a feat of exclusivity as two of her featured plants also appeared in my gardens: a weeping fig and peonies (mine weren't in flower though).  So, you're not alone, Savvy - especially as I also lent you my Christmas cactus until you found yours - what a gardening team we make, eh?!

Official Plant Spotter Observations
 Where would we be without Jon, the Official Plant Spotter of Hexenhäusli Device and its Extensive Witchdom, nay, All of Blogdom Itself?  He has proven himself yet again with:

Callicarpa in Mistress Maddie's garden - and probably common dogwood too (again confirmed by Dinah)
A couple of "daisy things" in Ms Scarlet's garden (and while Dinah didn't confirm the daisies, she did identify that Ms Scarlet's geraniums [as they are commonly known] are, in fact, Pelargoniums).
Pinks (Dianthus) in Melanie's garden, ably assisted by Mistress Maddie (confirming my suspicions) and even Hound!  
Mitzi even got in on the action by identifying Melanie's Starburst bush and Bleeding Heart vine (which prompted Jon to come up with the Latin name, Clerodendron).
A possible Hyacinth Bean identification in Mr Tonking's garden.


Celebrity Gardening Advice

Sir Patrick Stewart shows us how to get rid of a scarlet lily beetle infestation


The "Did I Win Yet?"s
 The Very Mistress MJ famously declared that the Infomaniac Garden Photos Event is NOT a competition/contest throughout her hosting of said event, but she seems to have gleefully forgotten now that she's not in charge anymore!  While there weren't quite as many utterings of dear LẌ's infamous phrase "Did I win yet?" (or similar) this year compared to last, anything more than none is frowned upon and will get you named and shamed here:

TVM asking for a friend* in Terrifying Triffidery.
TVM again in her very own post!
Having gotten a little carried away by The Very Mistress's enthusiastic 'winning streak', I accidentally joined in.  Oops!
Melanie trying to get around the rules by nominating Maddie for the win.
So, with last year's champion, Ms Scarlet, not even getting a look in, the 'winner' this year is:
T H E   V E R Y   M I S T R E S S
* in memory of dear friend, LẌ.


 And that's about it for this year.  Thank you all so much for taking part, whether you submitted garden photos, commented, or just wandered through making approving noises.  I hope you found some inspiration and ideas, and will come back next year for more! 
 Speaking of next year's Event, think about the wildlife that visits your garden/courtyard/balcony/windowbox, and prepare to take photos of it on or in the vicinity of your greenery, as I'm thinking 2023's loose theme will be 'wildlife'.  Either that or weeds...

Oh, try not to startle my woodsman on your way out.
He's a bit wary now, and keeps checking his surroundings in case
someone else is trying to sneak up and get him to have at them with his chopper.
Poor love.


  1. Well now that that's all over, and I've already serviced you on the chaise lounge, could you be a dear and send Woodman over to my water garden? It looks like my water platters might need a little tending!

    But yes I must confess it was a great garden tour all the way around this year. What a bunch of collective sillies, but talented sillies we have. Toodles! I'm off.

    *lays down in water garden just far enough so water platters are just above water for Woodmen to see*

    1. My woodsman has already made note that he'll be able to bury his ax between your lily pads. I did warn him to oil it up first to prevent it going rusty, though...

  2. As the gracious winner, I would like to thank all the little people who made this event such as a success.

    p.s. What happened to the half-eaten tulip in my duck photo? It wasn't all about ducks and dandelions, you know.

    1. If tulips began with a D then I might not have cropped it out!

      P.S. You've got some of those little people stuck to your shoe. Just wipe them off on the lawn before you leave.

  3. But I must have won SOMETHING!!!!!??????
    I am distraught.
    Thank you, Mr Devine, for putting on such a wonderful show!

    1. Well, you did have the wobbliest snowdrops - perhaps I can cobble something together as a prize?

  4. Big thank you bouquet to you, Mr De Vice for sorting through photos and arranging the various tableaux. And thanks all round to everyone else for sharing what is obviously a great pleasure.

    1. A bouquet of peonies and magnolia please, Dinah (as mine didn't flower this year...).

      And, thank you!

  5. Congratulations to the winners AND the losers! You're all perfectly fabulous! I enjoyed all the buds and blossoms! Such wonderful results from manure!

    I'd go on, but I need to empty my catheter. ♥️

    1. Are the contents acid or alkali, Norma? If acidic, you can just tip it out around the azaleas!

  6. I was about to shout "but we don't have any Hibiscus!", when I realised you'd managed to spot among the Cosmos the gnarled old H syriacus bushes that came with the territory at Dolores Delargo Towers #2, a place we left a lifetime ago.

    It's been a fun event, and (as always) I have enjoyed a good nose through other people's shrubbery, and admired many a firm ripe bud or fruit. Thank you for hosting, my dear!

    I expect at the very least a badge, if not a t-shirt, printed with my official title "Official Plant Spotter of Hexenhäusli Device and its Extensive Witchdom, nay, All of Blogdom Itself".


    1. I agree. Jon deserves a badge at the very least.

      And how about throwing in a free bush trimming for Miss Scarlet?

    2. A badge? Who do you think he is, Herschal Walker?

    3. Whoooooooooooooo??!! Jx

    4. I could possibly manage a badge, but the t-shirt would have to have "Official Plant Spotter of Hexenhäusli Device and its Extensive Witchdom, nay, All of Blogdom Itself" on the front, and something about your status as official choon suggester (I can't find your comment with the much more official - and funnier - words) on the back, Jon.

  7. Even the recap pictures are stunning when one scrolls down. What magnificent pictures and color. Everyone should be proud of their gardens. Now I must know, is your Woodmen from the Borghese Collection on loan, or is he your find? And how do I get help like this?

    1. Everyone did brilliantly with their gardens this year, didn't they Ms Goldberg-DeWoofs?!

      The Woodsman is exclusively mine, although I am amenable to loaning him out. Or, maybe, some sort of exchange - particularly with Lukus from the Borghese Collection?

  8. A fine wrap up and I'll say again, "Thank You!" for being a gracious host and keeping the garden party alive! I'm already keeping about how to get a black bear to post with a respectable flower and not some rotted log where's he's looking for grubs. A huckleberry lure should do the trick.

    Your woodsman is nervous because I've arrived as a tough competitor for any logger game challenges. I do so love a good axe throwing competition!

    1. Hands off his axe, Mistress Melanie! That's for my eyes & hands only!

      If you can muster up a bear for next year, you'll have won!

  9. So much fun! Now I know what I have to work on for next year. Thank you for hosting this, dear. It was just lovely to see everyone's summer plumage. Kizzes.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Mr Tonking. And even more pleased that you took part. Can't wait to see what next has to offer!

  10. I'm so excited that I finally got my photos in on time and doubly honored that you chose my two photos for the Terrible Triffids! Everyone's garden are so different and so lovely, that I am determined to have more entries next year! This was so much fun, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. Savvy should get a "Most Improved Player" badge for making the deadline this year.

    2. With commissioning t-shirts and badges, I'll have no money left for buying new plants!

      I'm so pleased (and still recovering from the shock) that you managed to send in some photos - on time! - Savvy. Now you've got a taste for it, I'm sure we'll be seeing more of your green-fingered efforts.

  11. I think Mr. DeVice has collapsed on the fainting chaise from the exhaustion of the Garden Photos Event.

    1. Well, my Woodsman was taking a little break on the chaise too, so I didn't want to leave him all alone...

    2. Mr. DeVice, I have opened The Gincuzzi for the private use of you and Mistress Maddie in thanks for your work on the Garden Photos Event and TFGES competition. See my latest post.

    3. Speaking of gracious hostesses... Thank you, Very Mistress!

  12. Is it over ? Is it safe to come out (of the woods, not the cupboard !) ? Where are the ducks ?

    1. It is safe, Mr Mago. You have made it through without being devoured by a triffid. Although, I can't promise that you won't encounter any incoming ducks...


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?