Monday 10 October 2022

The Garden Photos Event 2022 Official Final Reminder

 "I have photos. Do I have to caption them? They are from spring, summer and fall and they are a mess. Turns out I don't like weeding! LOL. Oh, well. Do tell what we have to do to participate. I don't have much patience, but will try to comply :)"
... Mr Tonking, 20th September [here]

Yes, it's time for...
Garden Photos Event reminder for 2022!
 I'm sure most of you are aware of the Garden Photos Event phenomena brought about by The Very Mistress many, many years ago, but for anyone new, those who have forgotten, and Savvy (!), a brief history and links to all participatory gardens over the years can be found in my Infomaniac Garden Photos Event page (at the top of the blog if you didn't click the link).

 Now, in response to Mr Tonking's eloquent request, here's what to do to take part in the main event:

1. If you haven't already been doing so, take some photos of your garden/courtyard/balcony/window box/pot plant/salad drawer or any botanical specimen that you have been nurturing this year.

2. Undertake an exhausting and harrowing selection process, whittling down the hundreds of photos you've taken throughout the year to a few that you would like to be seen by the masses select clientele here.

3. Write a brief (or verbose) caption for each photo/set of photos - ideally something that amongst other things (gardening tales, tips & observations, how you get your BIG PINK BUSH™ to pulsate just so, for example) states what the plant is, because I'm not Jon (The Official Plant Spotter of Blogdom) and I don't want to do any more research than I have to!
4. Email your photos (in as large a size format as you can) and accompanying captions to me.  My blog email address can be found in my Blogger Profile at the top of my Sideboard on the right there (if you have my personal hotmail account, you can use that instead).

 As well as the main event, there is also the now traditional Hallowe'en special event: 
Terrifying Triffidery!
 If you would like to take part (and why wouldn't you?), just send me a photo or two of a monstrous or weird botanical specimen that you've grown.  Or, if you are bereft of something like a dragon arum or a Visser's hydnora, a more pedestrian plant from your ordinary undergrowth taken from an odd angle/closeup/while you're drunk will do just as well.
 And finally, for this year only, if you can find photos of a previous garden that you tended, or a prized specimen that may no longer be with you, please send them in too (don't worry: this blog can support sepia toned and/or black & white photos - engravings and stone tablets are out, though).  Please provide a brief caption stating where and when your garden/plant existed (if you'd like to include more info, by all means do).
 It would be great to see how your garden has changed over the years, or if you've moved house, what your previous garden(s) looked like and what you grew.  For the old hands at this, if you can find something that hasn't featured in a Garden Photos Event before, even better!
 When does this all kick off, I hear you ask?  Well, Terrifying Triffidery will take place on Hallowe'en  - Monday 31st October - and the main event will begin two or three days later, so please email me your photos and accompanying captions by Saturday 29th October
 (Although this is the final official reminder, I shall, of course, be nagging and haranguing for photos for the rest of this month - and probably into November for all those who assume that deadlines don't apply to them.  You know who you are!)
 You don't have to be a regular here or an Infomaniac Bitch to take part as we welcome all sorts - Yes, even you!  So, if you are an infrequent visitor, a friend of a friend, or an as yet unseen lurker and would like to join in, please do - the more the merrier (just beware of the triffids as they're buggers for snapping up the unwary and unprepared)!

 If you have any questions, thoughts or ideas, please let fly in the comments.
 And remember: The Infomaniac Garden Photos Event is NOT a contest!  We're not looking for perfection and there'll be no judging.  We just want to see how your garden grows - weeds and all - and maybe swap a few greenfingering tips.

Happy Gardening!


  1. My you want me to rub your shoulders and blow you next?!?!? Because I will. And I say that with love and a slight crush. I have just about everything ready....its the widdling down that is a pain. I hope to have my items sent to you tonight....if gin doesn't interfere....or a man.

    1. A slight crush? I really must post a recent photo - that'll nip it in the bud. Unless the crush you're talking about is because you sat down while wearing those tight jeans and forgot to 'rearrange' first?

      As far as the widdling on photos goes, I was going to suggest a peg or some sort of clip, but your widdle is probably 100% proof, so carry on!

    2. Not that crush, though that does happen....what's your trick to not crushing the "goods"?

    3. Well, I don't wear tight jeans (I don't have the legs or arse for them)...

  2. I'm well ahead on this one - only five million, two hundred thousand photos to go before I choose the shortlist. Jx

  3. Okay, I think I can do that. You will laugh your ass off, as my idea of gardening means throwing marigold seeds in the ground. What? They grow...

    1. I bet your gardening efforts will surprise me (and many others), Mr Tonking. And your comments have even inspired a theme for next year's event! But I'm not going to spoil it just yet (it's not directly linked to marigolds or a somewhat haphazard method of gardening)...

  4. So you need the triffid first, and possibly before 31st October…. And also the flowery stuff asap. I think I understand. I will write it down and hope my note doesn’t get integrated into a different post like the other note did.

  5. Replies
    1. Ye- Oops! I was still in the 'yes' mode from answering Ms Scarlet.

      Hang on. Where's that standard response template I had laying around here somewhere...? Oh, here it is:

      "The Management would like to remind you that the Garden Photos Event is NOT a competition"

  6. I have been having camera trouble, but think you already have enough photos.
    By the way...has anyone heard from Ms Nations??

    1. I was wondering the same myself recently - she exploded back into the blogosphere, then came that awful flood when she had to up-sticks to the city, and then... total radio silence since January(!). Jx

    2. I thought that the move she had to the new place was life changing, so I’m guessing that she’s getting used to that. Hopefully she’s still enjoying it and will back at some point.

    3. Yes, plenty of photos thank you, Dinah. But if you have any more you'd like to add, please send them my way!

      As for Ms Nations, I'll email her in a mo, but yes, I hope she's okay. I got the impression that her new place is an apartment, so she may not have a garden? I'm sure she must have some greenery hanging around the place, though?

  7. Even without seeing my name, I KNEW who I was and still felt called out for my laziness, sweetpea! BUT, you know I do know how to surprise YOU! xoxox

  8. There wasn't anything particularly interesting about the yard this year. My time has mostly been spent just trying to keep things alive so its all rather sad, however, I will still have pictures for you. I have a note on my calendar to get the pictures in before the due date.

    1. Oh, I'm sure you have some lovely specimens, Melanie, and I'm looking forward to seeing them. And to be honest, I'm amazed that you have time to deal with such a big yard what with all the things you do.

  9. Maybe Scarlet could get an extended fuel tank on that bath mat and zip across and check on FN.

  10. So... after getting all excited about participating, I regret to inform you that all my pics of my garden... and I took tons all summer.... appear to have vanished. I had a file on my desktop and somehow it got wiped out. Will continue to look... they aren't in the cloud either... I am flabbergasted.

    1. I found a nifty bit of freeware called Pandora Recovery helped - download it here - but it hasn't happened to me for years, so by now there may be even better recovery utilities out there... Jx

    2. Oh, no, Mr Tonking!!! I am devastated! I have been so looking forward to seeing your marigolds! I hope you find some, if not all of them - I will waive the deadline for you. If you can find a photo or two, you can have until the penultimate GPE post (probably mid-November) to email them in.


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?