Sunday 30 May 2021

Life on the Embankment II

 Just over a year later, this is the sequel to the original Life on the Embankment.  The bee is not on the embankment - that is my (rather dry and rough-skinned) finger it's resting on.  I discovered it flailing around in the pond, so I fished it out and let it warm up and dry off on me as I sat in the sun on Thursday afternoon.

 Here are the embankment photos: The deer are from Tuesday evening, and the fox from early yesterday morning.

This is a muntjac deer - a young one, I believe

Here it is with its mum - either camera shy or they've found something extremely interesting amongst the nettles and Alexander.

There they go

"Smell my bum!"

"Ohwah, mum!"


 I've known that there are foxes around here as I can hear them, and I've seen their footprints, but this is the first time I've seen one.  This young male (I think?) was loitering around in the sun from 5:30 to 7:00ish - obviously tired from an early morning hunt and just looking for somewhere warm to have forty winks.  He tried out a couple of sunny patches before finally settling down for a nap at the foot of the big sycamore tree (and was only harried by magpies twice).


That's all for now.   "Byeeee!"


  1. That's a well groomed looking fox! And well done for saving the bee.
    Why do I think those Muntjac are watching something interesting on Youtube?

  2. I am always rescuing bugs, too. I think its good karma. When in my house, I catch and release. Those photos of the fox are amazing. And the deer, cute. We have a set of deer at the prairie. They come within ten feet to feed. Just adore nature and sitting in it. Kizzes. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Most bugs and insects get removed alive from Hexenhausli Device. Some, however, do not (cranefly, vine weevils, gnats, and those annoying, "slow" flying flies) - they get squashed.

      The weekend has been lovely, thank you. Although, for a three dayer, it certainly has gone by very quickly.

  3. Yaaaay, you bless me with images of a fox! This day just got a 1000% brighter! Thank you! He's lovely! The bee is a thanks as well! This has been a very good year for bumblebees on my lot. I've never seen so many at once! Most of them have orange butts. A from the same "hive" I suspect (they nest in the ground). I like to think they are new members from the nest I looked after last year under one of my fir trees. The deer are funny too!

    1. Ah, you're welcome, Melanie!
      I love bumblebees. Our blackberry is currently almost infested with small, orange-bottomed bumblebees collecting the nectar and pollinating like crazy. THere'll be plenty of backberries come Autumn!

  4. Awww sleepy fox. And get you, you bee whisperer! Some of us have to make do with telling the maze and crossing the Lethe!

    1. I can only manage one bee at once - I'm not Granny Weatherwax, you know.

  5. If they're becoming a pest, leave a bowl of antifreeze out for them, that should see the last of those creeping phlox chomping fuckers.

    1. Fortunately for those deer, there are no phlox in Hexenhausli Device's gardens. And so far, the fence - low though it is - has kept them out.

  6. We have fox in our neighborhood, or at least we used to have fox until the kindly woman who was feeding them at twilight moved. Now we have bunnies. Ravenous, cruel bunnies.

  7. Why is it I hear Sir David Attenborough doing a voiceover here? Jx

    1. It was the "Smell my bum" bit that evoked Sir David, wasn't it?!

  8. Foxxen! Oh this has improved my day immensely.
    Jon's right- it is all very Attenborough-ish.

    1. A bit of foxiness should improve anyone's (and everyone's) day, I say!

  9. Lovely apart from the foxes that is.

    1. Ah, yes, I've heard that your London foxes are quite disruptive...


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?