Tuesday 20 August 2024

Reminder: The Infomaniac Garden Photos Event 2024

If the previous post wasn't enough of a prompt, here's an official reminder:
the House of
Garden Photos Event 2024
is only two months away!

 I hope you've all been snapping away in your green spaces this season in readiness for the event of the year?  If not, you'd better get to it as I don't want to have to get my wand out and turn you into one of these:

  Let's have a bit of musical accompaniment, shall we?  I've only recently discovered Sophie Ellis-Bextor's cover of Propaganda's "Duel" and, needless to say, it's fabulous!

 And someone's (DJ Riv) cleverly overlaid Sophie's vocals on to Propaganda's original instrumental:

 Here are a few tasters of things to come from Hexenhäusli Device's grounds:

Hexenhäusli Device stalwarts, Eucomis comosa "Sparkling Burgundy"- pineapple lilies

Two new Fuchsias - "Southgate" and "Auntie Jinks"

The pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea, I think?) that I rescued from my sister is doing well.

A new Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis "Royal Velvet" relegating my existing specimen to the background.

I can't remember who this was - BUT IT COULD BE YOU! - so get out in your garden and start snapping.


  1. Oh, your want. Should drive the Mistress out of the Canadian undergrowth ...
    Is it true that licking a frog sends one on a trip ? Besides, I never have seen that owl before. Did I just miss it ?

    1. I think you have to lick one of those brightly coloured rainforest frogs?
      As for the owl, it can be glimpsed in my GPE photos from 2021 onwards (and probably a few other non-GPE garden photos). It was a birthday present for The Mother.

      Oh, and I think I can hear The Very Mistress stirring right now...

    2. You need to get your hearing tested.

    3. Ah, I must have had my precognition switched on. It's usually about two weeks ahead...

  2. It's an owl, I thought it was a lady golfer statue as mentioned in last year's gardening event. Keep the frog as it can be used to perform Hogben tests for friends and relatives.

    1. [After looking up Hogben test] Ah, that'll save a trip to Boots!

  3. Ha, great tunes!
    I have been snapping away, every now and then, when I remember.
    I saw a weird flying insect this morning that would have been suitable for the Halloween post - but I'm waiting for a wood wasp - actually I think I'd be too terrified to snap one of those even though they are harmless.
    I've never noticed the owl before!!

    1. The owl is a professional lurker now - it's only seen when it wants to be seen!

      I'm all for weird flying insects. I haven't seen one for a while, but the other day a MASSIVE dragonfly flew into the living room, smashed into a couple of walls then flew out again, obviously satisfied that construction of our house was up to snuff.

  4. Wow! Miss Ellis-Bexter's version of Duel is fabulous! - always an underrated song, in my opinion.

    Needless to say, we have grown both "Southgate" and "Auntie Jinks" over the years, but the former has been superseded by one called "Devonshire Dumpling". The latter is very similar to one we grow now called "Border Queen". You will also be very pleased to note that the Eucomis "Sparkling Burgundy" babies we thought we'd lost in the frosts are all doing well... Jx

    1. Oh, hooray for the Eucomis babies!! I hope they flower for you next year (presumably they didn't this year?). "Auntie Jinks" has provided lots of flowers but hasn't grown very much, and "Southgate" seems to be over and done with already. I might have to see if I can find a "Devonshire Sumpling" and a "Border Queen" to replace them next year.

    2. Or even a "Devonshire Dumpling"...

  5. Replies
    1. Do you know what? Yes. You can! After all, I did allow for such a precedent last year with "If you don't have a garden or pot plant but would like to take part, just take a photo/s of a favourite plant (or twelve) from a local park or wild area that you frequent (and I do mean frequent - somewhere you visit reasonably regularly to enjoy the greenery) and send them in, but please make sure you let me know where the photos were taken."

  6. I'm commenting to let you know I was here, but don't ask me where I've been 'cuz I haven't the foggiest clue. Lovely pictures as usual, dear. Will the owl darken with age? I like a darkened weathered look, myself. Something with a bit of age to it you know. Like a fine wine and hardwood.

    1. Are you here now? I only ask because it is foggy.

      The owl is brought into the garage in the winter, and The Father fannies around with woodstain and the like in the spring, so the chances of it becoming weathered aren't good.

      I think we all enjoy a bit of hard wood...

  7. Get your wand out?!?!?! Oh.... threaten me with a good time will you.......

    1. Have you seen the state of his wand?

    2. There is absolutely no proof that that wand was mine! I suspect it was something the Infomaniac House of Beauty inflicted on one of its unprepared clients...

  8. Well it looks like you're entering me.
    (In the competition, I mean).

    1. Well, I've always been partial to weathered and overgrown erections. Just look at my groyne photographs!

  9. FINE. Fine. I will. You just wait. In fact consider my next post your entry. So there. (In love with 'Auntie Jinks' - that's one I haven't seen before! You just cannot beat that precise form. I am envying your sarecenia too. Awesome owl - check!)

    1. Hooray! A Ms Nations entry again! Although, the little snippet of yours on my Sideboard says something about Oort clouds...

  10. Replies
    1. Ah. No. But it did relegate it to the spam folder for some reason. And your name's on the guest list too! I shall have words.

  11. I got nervous for a second and then read the rest of the post! I thought I'd missed the "contest" *snickering* I need to collect all the photos i have because everything in our garden has gone to hell thanks to the insane heat we're experiencing! xoxo

    1. May I remind you that the Infomaniac Garden Photos Even is NOT a contest!!!

    2. You may, but it delights me to think of it as one, oe maybe you as Monty Don at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, sweetpea! xoxo


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?