Sunday 28 July 2024

"Wow, was that your girlfriend? What crawled up her boob window and died?"

 The trailer for the fifth and final season of Star Trek: Lower Decks is out! 
 Jennifer!  A Bajoran lightship??  Creepy little cyborg arm hug!!  Decon gel scene!!!  Ma'ah is back!!!!

: :
 In other news, my niece, Lionel (not her real name), got a mobile (cell) phone two or three months ago.  She's eleven.  Far too young to have a mobile, but she was the only one in her class without one so her parents relented so she wouldn't feel left out.  She now has access to anything and everything.  Smut, filth, the rudest of swear words, Taylor Swift - It's disgraceful! 
 She's just shown me the following video and I take it all back.  I'm glad she's got a mobile phone.  Glad, glad, glad, glad, glad!

(Here's the trailer for the original The Slap which stars, amongst others, Alex Dimitriades who I had a massive crush on in Heartbreak High and Farscape, and Melissa George who stars in one of my favourite time-travel/psychological horror films, Triangle, and as Vina in Star Trek: Discovery "If Memory Serves".)
: :

 And to finish, some Goldfrapp of the Alison variety: "I Wanna Be Loved (Just A Little Better)"

 That's all.


  1. I'm not strangely drawn to "Lower Decks" (and certainly not wetting my knickers as you evidently are), but "The Slap" video was quite funny - and Miss Goldfrapp is brilliant, as always! Jx

    1. I'll have you know, I was wearing bloomers at the time!

      Still, I'm glad you found one or two things that you liked.

  2. What on earth is a "boob window" ? Do these lower deck ladies wave with their titts ? Let it all hang out ? In the end it all may be an excuse for a perverted cruise to the Bahamas.

    1. Ah, yes, a boob window is the hole in a Klingon's armour/uniform/dress which shows off their cleavage. As modelled by B'Etor, here.

  3. I will be investigating The Slap! It reminds me of Airplane!! And now that my nose is clear even Lower Decks looks appealing!

    1. Ha ha! Yes, I see the Airplane resemblence now.

      Well, with your lurgy now gone, I expect you to watch Lower Decks seasons one to four at least twice before season five is released towards the end of October. At least.

  4. Now that was funny! The Slap, I mean. My granddaughter (also 11) has a mobile, too, but she's only supposed to use it to call her parents if there's an issue at school. I still think it's too much and surely, too soon! But what the hell do I know? xoxo

    1. I think mobiles are banned in schools here now - or, they're going to be?

      The Slap was funny! I wasn't sure what my niece was showing me at first, so the first slap was an absolute shock, but then I was shaking with laughter as the slaps kept coming!

  5. Smut, filth.... on a cell phone? Why I am SHOCKED. You'd never find the likes of it on my phone.

    1. I should think not. You are the very epitome of ladylike class and poise. Smut on a cell phone is for commoners.


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?