Thursday 18 July 2024

Frock or Smock?

  I'm not sure what to make of this ghastly print t-shirt dress or whatever it is?  Mitzi, have you seen the like on your forays oop North?


  1. Good grief!!!!!! My eyes.

    At those prices, best to go with the little black dress...endless possibilities. Imagine a plump woman trying the printed dress on and insisting she'll fit in it. Could change the whole landscape. And that bookcase isn't much better. is the window message clearance month?

    1. Oh, sorry, Maddie. I should have put a warning up first.

      I can quite happily ignore the horrid print dress - it's the Lego that I covet!

    2. Lego?!?!?! I have something far more fun for you to play with.

  2. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to transfer one of those ghastly ubiquitous 1970s "stock prints" that - alongside variations on a theme of "little-girl-crying-and-sympathetic-dog-with-its-paw-up" [like this or this], "The Haywain" or the "blue lady in the Sarong" - used to be a mainstay of Boots or Woolies' "home decor" departments? Naffness abounds... Jx

    1. My partner had, for some reason, a "blue lady in the sarong" picture. He called it Suzy Wong and ended up giving it to a friend called Susan who forever more was known to us as Suzy Wong!

  3. It’d make your tits look lopsided, and your legs would be coming out of the bridge. How peculiar. Mitzi will love it!
    What is the checked thing? Is it a hat box? The book shelf is salvageable - take off the country kitchen skirt and trim, give it a Farrow and Ball makeover and it’ll be smart.
    Meanwhile, shall we fight over the Lego?

    1. If that's a hat-box, I'll have it! Jx

    2. I think it is a hat box. I don't think it's there now, though? I'll check on my next wander past.

      As for the Lego fight, Ms Scarlet, only if we can chuck handfuls of it at each other and then then fall in a fountain (like Alexis and Krystle in Dynasty!).

  4. It's a bit harsh on the optic nerves. The bridge looks like the leg holes on a pair of knickers, the picture on the dress is by American kitsch artist Thomas Kinkade you often see his works on jigsaws, often found in The Works, it looks like you have captured one of those creepy orbs floating past the black dress, if you look closely inside it, you can see a face of a chihuahua peering back at you, top left. I would shou-sugi-ban that book shelf and rub a stain in it to bring out the grain, teal would look nice, then sell it on for £500.

    1. I thought the orb was a smudge on my screen!
      I can see Hitler's face in the dress though. I didn't want to say before.

    2. I can't see a chihuahua nor Hitler... Jx

    3. Did Hitler have a chihuahua, I wonder?

      I have just looked up "shou-sugi-ban". While I rather like the effect, I think it might be better just to completely burn that shelf to ash in case it has become haunted by Hitler's chihuahua.

  5. It boggles the mind. It's like they took a cutting from the wallpaper in my childhood dining room and thought... oh, this will be fun. The horror. And... of course I want one. I could wear it for Halloween.

    1. Or, if you revisit your old dining room, blend in with the wall and scare someone silly when they walk by!

  6. I thought the Lego thing was part of the dress, sort of floorlength for fancy nights out.

    1. I'm now imagining a range of evening dresses trimmed with Lego and other construction-type toys! Gaga will pay a fortune for one!!

  7. Hitler's dog ? Blondie ? No, can't see ...
    I'm more interested in the ship. Is this something Dutch ?

    1. Hitler's chihuahua was called Blondie??

      As for the ship, I'm not sure? It doesn't look particularly seaworthy, so I'm not sure if it made it across the channel under it's own steam? Or sail?

  8. The sort of thing one would pair with Crocs, no doubt.


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?