Saturday 27 July 2024

Out and about with Bitey

 I was just thinking how lovely and easy it is to upload photos to Blogger and pop them into a post in a specific order,* and that it could stand to be far more difficult and annoying.**  Fortunately the Google Blogger gnomes heard my thoughts and intervened.  Hooray!***

 Anyway, now that my patience and copy-&-pasting fingers have had a work out, here are some photos from a few perambulations up Toll's Hill to Skylark Field where Bitey likes to run around and stick his nose in everything.  And also catch rabbits and chase small deer.

 Not all our walks are on the hill behind Hexenhäusli Device, very occasionally we go on the beach, too (but only when the weather's not very good so that it's not so people):

"What the f- ?"

Yes, that's what I thought.  And no, I don't know what it is, either.

* I don't think Blogger has ever given me cause to think this.  Ever.
** I was definitely NOT thinking this!
*** Absolutely not hooray.  The opposite of hooray, in fact.


  1. Your photographs makes me want to set out an easel and eat a Cadbury Flake. Your camera does pick up some strange things, alien people outside of a charity shop a light anomaly inside the charity shop and eyes without a face during a nuclear explosion. Its wonderful, I wish I had one. Actually, I do have a spooky photograph, it was taken of the Crown Spa Hotel in Scarborough, peering out of the window of our room you can clearly see a face of an old woman looking back at us.

    1. Ooh, I'm going to have to take more photos to see if I can get enough weird ones to publish a book and make millions!
      Perhaps I'll pay a visit to the Crown Spa Hotel and see what I can snap. Although... Was Carmen with you at the time?

  2. I pity the poor wildlife when Bitey's let loose! Look at him in the beach photo - the picture of innocence 😀

    I think Mitzi's description of that mystery photo's the most accurate - camera has seen the apocalypse, it seems... Jx

    1. To be fair, Bitey only caught the rabbit because it was likely slowed by myxy. And he's never caught up to a deer - his legs are too short. I don't know what he'd do it he did manage to corner one? Probably jump up and down barking and/or get gored by an antler.

      As for Camera's supposed prophesies, I just hope they don't come true. (I'm reminded a little of Stephen King's "Sun Dog", which I read here.)

  3. Is that you in the last photo? Anyhow, it looks like a surgeon overseeing a buttock lift. Weird!
    Bitey is looking very cute. And I love all the poppies.

    1. The eyes and eybrows look like mine, but I think those bags underneath must belong to someone else...

  4. When I saw boob windows I thought I wouldn't be able to comment until I saw the word Blogger. I moved my other blog off Blogger because it put an adult content warning on a post about the X-Files. Eventually I realised the trigger was the word a b d u c t I o n as in alien, as in the subject of the show. 🤷


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?