Saturday 6 July 2024

Golden Towers

 Yes, I know at the end of the previous post I said I may return the following day, but I also said that "normal service may resume" which, as you all know by now, means days if not a week or two between posts.  And, if you hadn't already gathered, this post includes the previously mentioned space shuttles and golden towers - I'll do the Bitey walk and Norwich skyline photos another time.

 So, why are there space shuttles and golden towers on the beach, I hear you clamouring - or at least tutting indifferently about?  Well, it was all for June's Star Trek art challenge which had a "World(s of Star Trek) Buildings" theme.  I had intended to construct a little cardboard castle or palace to represent Lwaxana Troi's family home, but despite collecting various cereal boxes for the raw material, time escaped me (again).  So, in a last minute panic, I rushed down to the beach last Thursday evening with a carrier bag full of coffee jar lids and a small model shuttle.  The photo above and those at the end of this post are the result. 
 I also took some non-Star Trek photos for those of you who couldn't give two figs about such things (i.e. most of you) - and these are them:

That's either the sun setting or everyone in Cromer forgot they left the gas on as they lit a fag.

Oh.  It was just the sun after all.
The beach huts enjoying the evening sun

The Japanese knotweed decided that it would like a walk along the promenade...
... so I turned around and headed the other way.
Looks hot, doesn't it?  It wasn't.
: :

 And now the Star Trek photos.  Hey!  Where did you all go?!

 The coffee lids became the Twisted Towers of the Calaten Peninsula on planet Orodanga, homeworld of the Ithenites.  And the shuttle, Al-Biruni, is an Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection model (Bonus Edition #18) of Star Trek designer Matt Jefferies' original shuttlecraft concept.
 After some cropping, minor additions to the towers in MSPaint, and application of a couple of filters, the final photo is the one I submitted.


  1. I thought I was looking at golden nuts - as in nuts and bolts, but no, they are high rise coffee lids. Very innovative, Mr Devine!
    Are the barriers on the promenade supposed to stop the Japanese Knotweed from spreading any further? I don't think they'll work.

    1. Now I'm wondering if I could persuade David Beckham to take a walk along the promenade with me? Once the sea has removed all that knotweed, of course (probably have to wait for the high tides of autumn before that happens, though).

  2. "I am Lwaxana Troi, daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed. Who are you?" Jx

    PS Clever photos...

    1. Odo: "I don't eat! This is not a real mouth. It is an approximation of one. I do not have an esophagus, or a stomach, or a digestive system. I am not like you. Every sixteen hours, I turn into a liquid!"
      Lwaxana: "I can swim."

  3. I for one enjoy your Star Trek fanart so please don't stop sharing it! Of course, I always love nature too. I was at the beach too recently and had a mostly fun time except for one somber task to spread a friend's ashes.

    1. No fear, Ms Proxima - even if no one liked it, I'd still share it!

      Your friend enjoyed the sea, I take it. If I was to be cremated, I think I'd like to join with the sea.

  4. You drink a lot of coffee, do you ?

    I like the idea with these tower houses in the desert. The AL-Biruni sticking out of the sand would ad a little drama.

  5. I love a good panorama. That must have been great fun. And your real world! So enjoy seeing photos of the beach front. Sigh. Almost... well, not really, like being there.

    1. I did rather enjoy myself, thank you Mr Tonking. I almost didn't go down there as I couldn't really be bothered, but I'm glad I made the effort.

  6. The beach pictures are pretty, but I'm not sure what otherwise I was looking at? Golden nuts?!?

    1. You wouldn't be the first to think of nuts, Lady Goldberg-DeWoofs!

  7. I thought the first photo was AI generated! Well done YOU! I clicked on the link to Lwaxana Troi and read all of it and of course, continued on down the rabbit hole!I had forgotten so much of the backstory of Star Trek and all its evolutions! xoxo

    1. Ah, yes, probably too late for a warning about following Memory Alpha links...


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?