I've been half-heartedly trying to work out what's keeping us from updating this blog more regularly. I mean, in the last four months, We've managed a paltry 12 posts - three per month, and they've been a struggle - whereas by this time last year We'd put up 29! I know it should be quality over quantity, but I can't even claim that what We have published is anything to write home about - with the possible exception of the new and improved Freakin' Green Elf Shorts Travel Map, of course.
Are We not blogging because the weather has been so nice? Not really. We've barely been down to the beach so far this year, and only partaken in a few perambulations inland. Although, I have been spending rather a lot of time up the allotment...
Or, perhaps We have been watching too much telly? That maybe it? Having said that, I have decided to quit Netflix (now that I've seen Amélie, Russian Doll (S2) and Heartstopper) because I'm barely watching it (except for old episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise). Although I might keep it until I've seen The Umbrella Academy (S3) next month...
. . .
It certainly isn't because We've been reading. Because I haven't. Well, I manage a few pages of Little, Big now and then, but it's very slow going (I started it in November 2021, I think?)
Speaking of reading... Last Sunday while I was in the bath, I was thinking about books, and one particular thought was about books that made me cry - because of the emotional content, not because someone had thrown a complete set of the Encyclopedia Britannica at my head. So, why don't you play along too and list three books that made you cry in the comments? The level of crying can be anywhere between either a prickling of your eyes, to a big, messy, floods of tears, bubbles of snot, gasping for breath, full-on ugly cry. Here are mine:
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern - "Black. Blacker. Blackest..." from when Moreta and the dragon Holth go between for the last time and never make it out. This elicited a few tears as I recall (it's been many, many years since I've read this book).
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet - The shutdown and reboot of 'Lovey' Lovelace, the ship's sentient A.I. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!
The Time Traveller's Wife - The inevitable shooting of Henry. This was a lump-in-the-throat eye pricker.
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Foxy young |
courtesy of Mr Tonking |
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To finish off with - as We're not really getting anywhere with this - here's Nancy Sinatra just rubbing it in:
[] [] []
* There are three of any worth: Rob****, an athletic, surly, golden-brown fox who sits in his lifeguard observation chair looking bored and/or slightly angry - and, therefore, very sexy; Fin(ley), pale of skin and dark of hair, this tall, deceptively muscular young man is at once pretty and handsome - a feature of his youth-verging-on-manhood (he can only be 19 or 20); and Matt, who is one of the managers rather than a lifeguard, and looks perpetually tired, but is always cheerful and friendly, and sports absolutely enormous, hypnotically bulging biceps.
** Not that We'd know what to do if they did as it's been so long.
*** Almost certainly because, on land and clad only in trunks, We look like some pallid and hideous deep sea creature that has just emerged from an underwater chasm. Hey! Although... you do have a point. And I am twice their age.
**** I don't know his name, but in my daydream fantasies***** he's called Rob. However, after overhearing a partial conversation while I was in a changing cubicle, I think he may be called Gary...
***** Oops! I forgot you said up there that We hadn't been dreaming. Oh, well...
Spring is the season to be "on heat", I guess...
ReplyDeleteNatacha Atlas!! Love her. And those blossoms are simply gorgeous!
"When a young (ahem) man's fancy turns to love" - or, at least, half-hearted lust...
DeleteI must admit, I only have a very select knowledge of Ms Atlas's work - mostly from those times when you've featured her at your place!
I love You Only Live Twice!! So thank you for the double inclusion. I think I'm leaning towards Natacha Atlas.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, I promised to post something today - I imagine it will be pretty 'meh', but I will keep my promise [cross fingers]. I think the frisson has gone out of my blogging - it used to be a sexy pair of sling-backs, but now it's like a comfy pair of very worn slippers. Would I ever throw those slippers out? I doubt it - I would keep returning to them despite the holes and the disturbing whiff of decay!!
I do write a lot of cobblers sometimes.
I will try to think of a way to reignite the frisson!
It took a couple of listens, but I prefer Ms Atlas's rendition, too. Bjork also did one, but I'm not a fan.
DeletePerhaps now that your slippers have been on a quick wash with a scoop of Persil, the frisson will return? I just hope the spin cycle didn't cause them to fall apart?
Ahhh! The gorgeous apple blossoms.We do have some lovely blooms here, but not these beauties. And Bramley! (No Birds Custard, mind!)
ReplyDeleteThe allotment smells divine at the moment (with not a hint of custard skin in range).
DeleteAdore this time of year. My allergies do not, but I do. Apple blossoms are the best and thanks for the incredible pics, as always. You know, frequency of posting does not imply quality of, and quality is one of the things I always find here, at your blog. Kizzes.
ReplyDeleteYou're too kind, Mr Tonking. I hope the pollen is as kind to your allergies as it can be.
DeleteThe tulips only just bloomed here this week, and last night we had a frost warning. And who am I to talk about keeping up a blogging schedule?
ReplyDeleteFrost?! Oh, dear. I got sun burned today - only on the right side of my face and my right arm, though (I was sitting outside at a friend's house without the factor 50 on). I look like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but without the beard!
DeleteTalking of a blogging schedule. I notice there's currently an intermission...
I'd call that a reverse trucker's tan. Oh wait a minute. Maybe it IS a trucker's tan in the UK since you drive on the other side of the road.
DeleteYou are correct, Very Mistress. In fact, someone at work commented on it yesterday. I feel dirty.
DeleteIf you're having difficulty deciding what's keeping you from blogging, obviously what you need is a witch. I would offer to help myself but for some reason people don't seem to like it when I tell them what's afflicting them.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of which, what car have you got to replace Car? 🚗
Oh, I'm sure you know what the problem/s really is/are - as do I, to be honest. And I'm not feeling particularly contrary so I would probably accept what you said without issue (try not to worry). However, as you have deftly changed the subject (well done!), lets move on.
DeleteCar is still propelling me around in some fashion, and yesterday managed to average a quite amazing 50mpg on the drive to work! Next month I should hear when its replacement - a red Mazda3 saloon - will be ready (hopefully some time in July, but it could be August or even later).
Problems? That sounds ominous... Jx
DeleteThe problems being an attack of Lazy Baggageitis (possibly brought about by some minor life apathy), so not really ominous.
DeleteHowever, may be getting back in the swing of things because I have started two new posts! One is a Tunes on Tuesday, and the other doesn't feature Ms Scarlet's Big Pink Bush!
Stay tuned!
Oh honey you can fool some of the people. In fact you've virtually said what it is, but it's one you just have to ride and you'll come out of the other side ok. ⚓
Delete[unrelated, sorry]
ReplyDeleteIF you ever amble towards the beach again, and them crumbling cliffs, perhaps even taking photographs - it could be possible that these snaps could inspire you ?
What beautiful - if rather melancholy - photographs! Thank you, Mago.
DeleteI have been meaning to get down to the beach this past week - maybe this weekend it will happen?
"minor life apathy" could be a diagnosis for most of us. Also, I couldn't think of the word "diagnosis" (I came up with "prescription" and "appointment" instead.) That kind of brain freeze can totally derail my blogging; I get stuck and can't move on. Arrgh. Just today, I put up a post about absolutely nothing just because if I don't force my self to write, it will never happen.
ReplyDeleteThere was a word that I couldn't think of earlier, then later I remembered it, but now it is forgotten again.
DeletePosts about nothing often contain something to inspire a future post, I find. Well, either the post or the comment/s.