Thursday 20 August 2020

Thursday Swim (including Leaf-Cutter Carnage!)

 Right. I think you've all had enough cake for now.  How about some beach photos as it's been a couple of weeks since the last lot?

[ s i l e n c e ]

 Well, that's all I've got to show at the moment, so it'll have to do!

 First up, my curious seal familiar from last Friday's amble along the promenade:


 Before we get to this morning's swim photos, here's a little interlude of someone's idea of modern art (quite why they thought it would be acceptable to take a hole-puncher to my climbing rose, I don't know?):

 Ah, so it turns out not to be some avant garde wannabe artist after all.  Instead, leaf-cutter bees have taken up residence in my bee hotel (along with mason bees in the smaller bamboo stems):


  So, here we are on the beach with a gulp of cormorants (thank you, Dinahmow):

  And a little bit of Vulcan script to sign off with:


  1. Did you know that the French word for seal is "phoque", pronounced "fuck"?

    I should be on QI. Or in a Peter Cook sketch.


    1. Well, I'll be sealed. I did not know that.

    2. I'm now wondering if Jason Donovan's (cover) of "Sealed With A Kiss" had a completely different kind of message...?

  2. I had thoughts of you all week while away. The bee hotel is cool, and just saw a video on a guy that made these similar to yours. Now for the next installment, if you could get you in the water again, I'm going through Mr.DeVice withdrawals.

    Perhaps swimming with the seal or phoque.

    1. Ha! And I thought of you this morning while I was drifting around in the sea. I was going to take Camera out again, but the sea wasn't very clear (it's been quite rough the past couple of days - although, not today), so any photos (or phoques) would be quite murky.

  3. I am sure that these Vulcans leave remarkably horny messages behind.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised, Mago. After all, most of them suppress their urges for seven years, so things are bound to spill out!

  4. If the bees in your hotel (which is very groovy BTW) vandalise stuff can you evict them so they go to a travelodge?

    1. I tried, but they've got some kind of immunity clause certificate signed by David Bloody Attenborough!

  5. Gulps. You have taken on some rude lodgers. Perhaps we should look up what these bees like to eat and provide a suitable alternative for your climbing rose?

    1. Well, they're not eating the leaves, they're building their homes out of them! And they've also had a go at my clematis and honeysuckle (those two and the rose are the nearest plants - perhaps it's my own fault for putting the hotel there...?).

  6. Btw, Apologies for my late arrival, but seeing as you probably won't answer comments until Thursday I didn't think it would matter.
    *Saunters off in a huffy manner not noticing that my skirt is tucked in my knickers*


    1. * sniggers at knicker-tucked skirt *

      * stops sniggering and flounces off in a huffy manner about "Thursday comment" comment not noticing dangerously revealing bathrobe malfunction *

  7. What do need eat? I have reached this grand age, and I actually don't know.

    1. Like most bees (or "needs"...) they eat nectar and pollen. It's just that we gobble up most of their stocks!

      Oh, and today I discovered the sad little corpse of my rose-destroying leaft cutter bee :( It was tucked in a bamboo cane hole next to one of its nests.
      And, before anyone asks, I didn't kill it - I discovered today that they only live from about April to August. They spend their adult life making nests before carking it at the end of summer. I hope their children appreciate all their hard work!


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?