Thursday 8 February 2018

Pre-Debigulation and Post-Rebigulation beach scenes

  These are the rest of the photo's from the Land of the Giants misstep.  I meant to post them on Sunday or Monday, but forgot, and I've just come back from another walk on the beach with yet more photos, so I thought I'd quickly pop these up then post this morning's either later or at the weekend.
  At some point, I'm going to get back to those night sky photos and draw up some more elaborate constellations that actually look like what they're supposed to depict.  At some point...
  Anyway, for now, here are those beach photos from 31st January:

Heading East towards Sidestrand

The exposed chalk reef

A scene from Dinahmow's dental nightmares!

The End-of-the-Line following rebigulation

Beyond the End-of-the-Line

Just a few shots of the crusty old groyne affixed to the End-of-the-Line

Heading back West towards home

Crossing glassy sands

Some well centred groynes

This groyne has a multitude of knobs on!

"C'mon.  Let's get out of here."


  1. Do I see stretch marks? Oh no, the skin's quite taut in other places!

    1. Well, all this debigulating and rebigulating is bound to take its toll...

  2. Splendid fotos as always! I also really love the reflective wet sands with their mirror like quality. Stunning!

    It's impressive how those old groynes manage to stand erect after all many years of hard service.

    1. They may be capable of taking a pounding, but they all have crabs, so be warned!

  3. Exactly what Eros said! Next time I cross the river at low tide (if someone else is driving!) I'll get a picture of the worn-down local groyne...

    1. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd love to see your worn-down groyne, Dinahmow!

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who posts photos of crusty old groynes.

  5. I have no groynes. Oh how I would like to witness your groynes in reality. I so wish I lived within walking distance of a beach.

    1. I don't think my groynes have ever been so popular?! Although, I am really looking forward to seeing Dinahmow's worn-out groyne. I have a feeling it will be even more popular than mine!

      I am sorry you are groyne-less, Ms Scarlet. For some reason, I am thinking about Sindy or Barbie now...


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?