Thursday, 24 November 2016

300 Screaming Kids...

... or On This Day...

 I was just trawling through my dusty old archives, and wondered what we were up to on this day in the years gone by.
 It turns out that in 2007 we celebrated the 300th post of Inexplicable DeVice.
 In 2008 we screamed:

 And in 2010 we became an unwilling babysitter.

 That's it. Oh, some stuff happened in 2005, but it really needs an overhaul before I link to it, and I really can't be bothered right now - mainly because I'm tired and want to go to bed!

 See you all at the weekend! 



  1. At least you maintain a navigable archive. Mine's all over the shop! Or, as we'd say in NZ "up the boo-hai" I'll probably have to write a blog post to explain that.Or people could ask Uncle Google...

    1. Uncle Google? Bah! No, I'm far too lazy.* Write a blog post about it!

      * Although, I'm sure could have found out by now had I not been constructing this reply...

  2. Replies
    1. Me too :(

      She teetered atop the Hag Pillar like no other. And her *huff* was second to none. And as for Peecat... Well!

  3. I'm just trying to stay calm! The MITM has suggested that I stay away from that other social media site as it seems to upset me far too much these days! xoxoox

    1. I think he may be on to something. I hadn't looked at it in months, and then I had to the other day to wish an overseas friend a happy birthday, and was almost overcome with anxiety/rage/incredulousness/pity et al within seconds of looking at other things on there (after I'd left a message for my friend, that is).

      Have a nice trawl through the blogs, Savvy. If it doesn't calm you down, it may cheer you up :) x

  4. That brought back a FLOOD of memories.

    I need a lie down.

    1. I hope you chose a spot on high ground?

    2. Seeing the title say 300 screaming kids immediately made me wonder if you were at a taping of a Justin Bieber or New Direction performance...which seems like a new circle of hell if Dante were to update his Inferno.

  5. I'm going to re-write all my old blog posts. All of them!!

    1. Crikey!

      Although, all that re-writing should keep you going for another ten years? It'll be like painting the Forth Bridge - once you've finished, you'll need to go back to the beginning and re-do it all over again!

      Hang on. I think I'm going to do the same - it'l save all the bother of coming up with anything new!

  6. How very dare you relegate me to Days of Coven Past.

    1. Well, I don't see any post newer than that Clusterfuck Wednesday one.
      Publish at least two new posts and I'll happily reinsert you...


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?