Because The Very Mistress was washing her hair on Saturday - and therefore missed streaming Star Trek: Lower Decks - I said I'd make it up to her by posting some more Star Trek stuff on a different day.
Well, today is that day! So, be sure to thank TVM after you've hastily scrolled through this post to see if there's anything of interest other than the muscular merman at the end enjoyed the last two months worth of my Star Trek fan art!
Right. We'd better get on with it. Here's last month's Star Trek Fan Art Challenge:
April: Inspired by Laura"As some of you might know, @Laura Cynthia Chambers has been doing her own, very unique starship designs in Microsoft Paint for a while. Some are simple and almost crude, while others can be super complex, especially if they were realized in three dimensions. For this theme choose one of her designs and make it your own. Recreate it in 3D, draw full orthos from all views, build it as an actual physical model, make a detailed pencil drawing of it à la @Atolm, let yourself be inspired … the possibilities are endless. And please make sure to post a link to the starship design you picked."
By 19th April I'd already picked three of Laura's starship designs (Starships 52, 57 & 58), but found another one that piqued my interest (31) and started sketching:
At the top is #57 - I envisage this "stuck with plungers" ship with a spherical hull bristling with sensor antennae.
The three middle sketches are of #58. To me, Laura's design looked rather Oberth-like, but she mentioned that this is a top-down view. So, rather than having a secondary hull/sensor pod overshadowing the saucer, I made it part of the primary hull (as in the USS Kobayashi Maru) with the central ridged part a 'greenhouse' dome (as this could be a botanical crusier).
At the bottom middle-right is a head-on sketch of # 52 - I imagine this is the side view, with the grey ovals on the left being the front of the ship, and the six vertical bars are large, exposed warp coils (or small, in-line warp rings like the Vulcans use).
And bottom left is #31 - what I interpret as its undercarriage. My sketch next to it is how I imagine a side view to look.
[Ignore the fishy Excelsior on the right - that's an idea for MerMay]