Monday 12 December 2005

Of missed dates and mistakes - not mine, obviously...

Phew... What a weekend. After downing 4 out of the 6 boxes of French Fancies to take away the taste of that fat little kid who'd been hanging around the house, I was on such a sugar high that I got absolutely loads done and didn't have time to post about meeting the Supernaturals.

Who am I kidding! Yes, I did eat the French Fancies (and the kid - roasted, with a selection of seasonal vegetables) but felt so bloated and sick that I just slobbed around and did shit all. I didn't meet the Supernaturals either. I'd got the date wrong - Going tonight instead.

In fact, I must clear up the kitchen in case any of them come back tonight. They frown upon the devouring of small children and so wouldn't appreciate a draining board covered in bones (I was going to hang them in the cherry tree out back so the birds could peck at them - and hopefully get a taste for them so they'd finish off the rest of the little bleeders in the neighbourhood) and a large pyrex jug full of drained and strained fat.

- BUH-UUURRP! - Excuse me...


  1. Hmmph! The cherry tree is quite tall you know. It takes a lot of effort to get up there to hang things such as bones, half coconuts, pesky gnomes etc...

    Oh, all right. I didn't hang them up. I chucked 'em in the dustbin. So lazy...

  2. Stop eating or be eaten? I know which one I'd choose!
    Sounds like you've hit on a fabulous way to end the 'obesity epidemic'...

  3. And do they taste of Pork? We need to know....

  4. Merkin, the fat ones usually taste of veal - probably because they've been sitting around all day, inside, playing those infernal games. The thin ones are more gamey...


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?