Hello, and welcome to the Infomaniac Garden Photos Event's Hallowe'en show:
Terrifying Triffidery!
As with previous years, please make your way around the various specimens and, if the mood strikes you, try and guess what each triffid mutated from and which of the Blogorati propagated it. Not everyone who's taking part in the main event submitted a triffid, so to make things a bit easier for you, those who did are listed on the poster above-
Which I spent the best part of yesterday making!
You'd never have guessed he watched Psycho recently, would you? Anyway, as I was saying, not everyone submitted a triffid, and some of those who did sent in more than one, so you may have your work cut out for you. The Host has labelled each specimen, so you just need to mention the number in the comments when making your guess rather than trying to describe the hideous things. And don't get too close to the triffids during your inspections lest we have to cut you out of them! Speaking of:
Due to some missing limbs - and indeed whole persons - during last year's show, Health & Safety have insisted on the employment of some sort of security guard-cum-triffid wrangler. So, I made some enquiries and garnered the services of Gavin the Gardener who, according to Peenee's pictorial review, has some experience with triffids.
let his beautiful, vacant face give you pause - just look at those
monstrous arms: they are almost as terrifying as the triffids! With my own eye I have witnessed Gavin grapple a triffid of great girth to its exhaustion, whereupon it promptly covered the poor young man with some sort of thick, sticky excreta. I assure you, he is well up to the task at hand.
Now, before you set off on the tour, here's a musical accompaniment in the form of Bright Light x2 with "Down to One" which first caught my ear and eye at Jon's.
If you stay behind the velvet ropes and don't dilly-dally at the exhibits, I'm sure the song's video won't be prophetic...