Sunday 23 July 2023

"Grandad is a Poo Face"

Well, yes, quite frankly, he is.

 This, like last week's publication, is just another mish-mash post because I don't have anything specific to relay.  My niece, Lionel (not her real name) scrawled the always amusing epithet above on our garage wall some months ago, yet it is only now that I have got around to taking a photo of it to share here.  I'd actually only gone outside in the rain to take a photo of 'Eva Boerg' swinging away under a bird box, when I realised I could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

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 Now, a little music from our favourite Pop Princess, Kylie.  Apparently, this track - "Running" - didn't make the cut for her upcoming album, Tension, but it is still utterly fabulous!

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 I finished The Bullet That Missed (see last post) and definitely have a crush on Bogdan.  The last page of chapter 84 cinched the deal - I just wanted to give him a big hug.  And then he'd reciprocate with those big, muscular, tattooed arms.  Ahhhhh...
 Anyway, enough about Bogdan (even though I don't think there can ever be too much Bogdan).  I have started a re-read of Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman (last re-reads here in 2013 and here in 2008).
 I've wanted to read this collection of short stories again for quite a few years, but had been thwarted by not having the book.  You see, I'd lent it to my sister, Indescribable (Lionel's mum), a long, long time ago, but every time I'd asked for it back she claimed to have already returned it because it definitely wasn't in her house anywhere.  Definitely.
 Except until it was (she found it behind some other books in her unruly bookcase a couple of months ago and sheepishly gave it back to me). 

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 Star Trek!  I am EXTREMELY excited for the forthcoming episode of Strange New Worlds because it's a crossover with my favourite Trek show, the animated Lower Decks, and features a live action Boimler (in the clip below) and Mariner (both played by their respective voice actors, Jack Quaid and Tawny Newsome).

 Unfortunately, I won't be watching it when it airs on Thursday because I don't have Paramount+, so I'll have to make do with clips and screencaps until it comes out on BluRay (or I can get a free trial of P+ or something).  Bah!

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 Finally, last month I found this scrawled piece of advice in a field of oil seed rape while walking Bitey:

 I'm not going to pay it any heed as I like thinking, and don't like doing!


  1. Oh - Eva Boerg! We used to have her in our collection, but never replaced her.

    I do hope Grandad is happy as a poo-face. Jx

    1. Eva managed to survive the cold spells in the red greenhouse, although she sulked for quite a while before putting on the show you see now.

      Grandad is happy as long as he has something to moan about but, strangely, he hasn't moaned about Lionel's "grafitti"...

    2. Greenhouse? Luxury. Ours have to make do with sitting out whatever winter throws at them - and, surprisingly, most of them came through -8C temperatures unscathed. We only lost "Voodoo", "Blue Pearl" (and they both went in Spring, not winter), "Raspberry", "Alison Patricia", "Pink Rain" and "Holly's Beauty" (and I replaced those four when I visited Essex at Easter). Jx

    3. Everything froze in the red greenhouse this year - although, not to the same extent as it did outside... Those were a vicious couple of cold snaps. More so in your neck of the words, I think (we didn't have the snow).

  2. I love it! "Grandpa..." is hilarious, especially since the MITM is a grandpa! I've never read Neil Gaiman, so I feel as if I should because far to many of my blogger pals recommend him! xoxo

    1. I haven't read much of Neil Gaiman's stuff - Good Omens (with Terry Pratchett) is my favourite. I find many of his tales to be somewhat bleak and miserable and there's enough of that in the real world!

      "Grandpa", "Grandad" - it's all the same, dear Savvy ;)

  3. Awww…poor Granddad!
    God, I am such a slow reader, I am STILL half way through Thursday. Now I feel I should speed up my reading so that I can claim Bogdan as my own!
    I have been organising my move to Blogger. Unpacking is so exhausting.

    1. You're too late, Ms Scarlet. Bogdan is mine. All mine!

      So you're going to do it? The move, I mean. Will you start afresh, or continue one of your existing Blogger blogs?

    2. I am starting afresh. I have already built a new space that looks suspiciously like one of my old spaces, I just have to organise the sideboard and then I will be ready for an official launch. Unofficially I can be found at So far it’s been a testing ground for learning how to upload photos - Jon has been a superhero as I was getting seriously flustered by Blogger’s ability to make my pictures look less than perfect. Anyhow, Jon has given me the secret codes and now I’m sorted.

    3. Ooh! I shall be there once I've finished answering these comments. How exciting! And educational - sounds like I might get some tips.

  4. At least Lionel used chalk!
    Hmm...I must ask the librarian about that Gaiman collection. Maybe it's different here?
    And you know I suffer from fuchsia envy!

    1. Smoke and Mirrors is full of clever and inventive stories but, as I mentioned to Savvy, a good number may have you reaching for the happy pills.

      You may be interested to hear that the "Blacky" cuttings I took last year are putting forth flower buds. And I spent yesterday afternoon fixing fuchsias to the green gate on the wall!

  5. Grandads can be that way sometimes. But us Grammas, now, we're wonderful. *Bwahahahahaha*

    1. But, of course! I don't think Lionel has a bad word to say about Grammas ;)

  6. I've watched the Star Trek clip five times already and dangit, I don't have paramount either!

    1. I am seriously considering the half-price month on Amazon. But it's on horrid old Amazon, and is only half price for a month - I'd have to stay subscribed until November which is when Lower Decks season 4 should end.

  7. I am so jealous of that lovely fuchsia (even if I did have to look up how to spell it.) They suffer from a blight here in San Francisco.

    1. Fuchsia gall mite? It's a devastating thing - we had it at our previous place, and ended up binning more than fifty plants... Jx

    2. The dreaded gall mites haven't made their way into the gardens of Hexenhausli Device yet, thankfully. However, I am always on the look out thanks to Jon.

  8. After 4 tries, Blogger has finally decided I'm good enough to leave a comment. But by now I've forgotten what I wanted to say!

  9. It ain't done with smoke and mirrors (What, what, what, what)
    It ain't done with smoke and mirrors (What, what, what, what)
    It ain't done with smoke and mirrors (What, what, what, what)
    What, what, what, what
    I've had the above earworm stuck in my head over the weekend, even answering the maid on occasions with 'what what what what?'. After reading the book title, it has returned. Sparks Ugly Guys with Beautiful Girls.

    Lovely Fuchsia does it produce berries? I'm asking because they was a couple on Gardener's World tucking into a slice of cake with homemade fuchsia jam filling. My Lady Thumb I grow in a pot near the doorstep doesn't produce any at all.

    My Grandad used to offer my sister and I money if we swore at Grandma, my sister always refused but I didn't.
    -yes sweetheart

    1. Sorry about the earworm. Still, better than fuchsia gall mite.
      As for berries, I don't recall Eva Boerg producing much if any, but Blacky does. With three new plants from last year's cuttings, maybe a pot of jam won't be out of the question?

      Ah, what a heart-warming family memory, Mitzi.

  10. Fun clip of the Star Trek crossover! We've been watching Oroville. I ran around Japan with that exact shade of Manic Panic Purple once! Only the old people seemed impressed.

    It's not nice to call Grandpa a poo face, but the fuchsia is lovely.

    1. Grandad has been called MUCH worse. And only some of it he didn't deserve!

      I'm now imagining you as Leela from Futurama!

  11. I've finally begun the second title in the Thursday Murder Club series, after finishing the first in the series some time ago. I'm enjoying it even more than the first one.

    1. Hooray!!! Keep going as the fourth one is out in a couple of months!

  12. But the PAPER says....!!!! It's like receiving a post it note from Mother Earth. That plant, btw is divine, as is the message scrawled. That said, I can be a bit of a poo face, too... especially where cleaning or actually doing anything is involved. It's so nice to see someone enthused about reading. I adore it. Though my tastes are rather varied and unrefined. Hope your summer is going well. And now that Kylie is going to have a residency in Vegas? I have a reason to revisit that soul sucking hellhole. Kizzes.

    1. Ug. That bit of paper. I was going to take it home, but that would have involved doing something, and I wasn't going to be ordered around by a piece of mud-splattered paper!

      Oh, my taste in reading material is hardly refined, and certainly not very varied. I tend to stick to what I know. Still, linking in with that Post It from Mother Earth, reading is more like guided thinking than actually doing something ;)

      I'm not sure I'd like to go to Vegas either. Not even for Kylie!


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