Saturday 20 June 2020

Saturday Swim: First of the season

 I had intended to take a dip in the North Sea at the end of May, but never did for one reason or another (probably for the best, as it was flipping freezing - I had paddled a few times, though...).  So, today was the first time this year that I've thrown myself in the drink.  And very pleasant it was too.  If flipping freezing still!

 The tide was just on the turn (going out) at about quarter to ten when I made it down on to the miniscule amount of beach in front of the revetments.  I thought I was on my own, but there was someone loitering about a couple of groynes eastward.  I wasn't too perturbed by this as one look at my blindingly white body would have, well, blinded him!

 After I'd had a good swim, I waded out into the delightfully calm sea again, but this time with Camera to get the following three shots:

 By the time I'd had about enough (10:30ish), the tide had gone out quite a way (exposing about a third of the beach):

 As you can see, unlike last week, there's no spume in sight - just a bit of froth.


  1. Does this beach ever get crowded?
    And, with this froth you are spoiling us (obviously this is what I should have written on your previous post).

    1. This particular stretch, no. It's mostly frequented by walkers, with the occasional local like me. Although anytime I see someone here I immediately get huffy and lament the crowds (can one person be a crowd?).
      Most forners/grockles congregate on the main beach a little further west as it's easier to get to.

  2. What? No spume? No groynes? No shags? No Speedo shots? Jx

    1. Sorry. The budget wouldn't allow for them :(

      (Although, I did manage to sneak in a groyne...)

  3. I want to jump in! We're on Day 6 of an unforgiving heat wave.

    Two days in a row it was 42 degrees Celsius (over 107 degrees Fahrenheit) and there's no sign of it letting up.

    1. Has the snow melted yet? Jx

    2. 42 degrees?!? Have you moved to the equator??

  4. One day I hope to show you the beach in Birmingham.

    1. I'm not sure that I'll ever be ready for such an... experience.


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?