Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Wishing you a Wonderful Winterval

 Not quite a White Christmas, but a heavyish frost yesterday morning gave the illusion in certain sheltered areas up near Cromer Lighthouse.
 Yes, I managed to find a couple of hours to myself yesterday (i.e. I escaped from the kids) and got up to the lighthouse in the early morning here in Cromer, then down onto the beach in Overstrand in the afternoon.

Cromer Lighthouse

Cromer town nestled in the "valley"

It's no Vos Gorgeous, but the Biscay Sentinel will do in a pinch

Putford Trader isn't even trying...


These are from yesterday afternoon, after lunch.

The End-of-the-Line


 We're sorry we haven't been around very much this past month.  What with moving out of Château DeVice and in with Inexcuseable again in Castlette DeVice (temporarily, until the DeVice Mansion is ready to move into), then dealing with various paperwork from the Gingerbread Board, time has been a very precious commodity around here.  It is likely to be this way for the next month or two, but I will endeavour to visit all your blogs, even if I don't always get to comment.
 In the meantime, from all of IDV, we wish you a wonderful Winterval!


  1. Nice frost pix!

    Yesterday it was so warm and humid here that the concrete structures were sweating!

    1. Ug. I can't imagine what that must be like. You have my sympathies.

  2. Merry Christmas!!
    It's been almost tropical in Devon, with mizzle. The mizzle cleared today. Yay!

  3. And the same to you dear boy.
    Buggrit I'm a sucker for lighthouses and now want to visit Cromer!

    1. If you do ever make it this way, there's anothersplendid lighthouse a little further down the coast in Happisburgh (red and white striped!).

  4. Hope the mothership visits on New Year's Day!

    1. I've got the semaphore landing flags out ready to guide it in!

  5. Darling! You have my deepest sympathies - moving out of one home is bad, but then to have to "lodge" while waiting to move into another is (ahem) awkward, to say the least. Been there; done that. Best of luck with the next move, dear. Take it easy. Don't do as I/we did - become compulsive, racing against the brief daylight to the point you exhaust yourself completely, so it takes weeks before you actually enjoy things... Jx

    1. PS some of those photos are breath-taking! Jx

    2. Thank you, Jon. The lodging is less harrowing than I expected, but I am getting woken up between 3 and 5 most mornings due to the strident bellowing of 16 month old Count Podgekinson...

      I hope you get your breath back!

  6. Will the DeVice Mansion be large enough for your multiple personalities?

    1. I'm having the mansion, the SubCs can live in the garage!

  7. Ahhh! Some wintry coastlines to cool me down.
    I know moving house is a horror show, but have another mince pie n eggnog.You'll make it!

    1. Mmmph. Grrmmmph. Blrrrrmph.

      Sorry mouth full of mince pies!

  8. dinahmow sent me the link for this post to cool me down as we are mired in the sweaty season. For which I thank her - and you. The frost particularly is lovely.

    1. I don't envy you your sweaty season. Are your buildings "sweating" like LẌ's?
      Thank you for dropping by - it's lovely to see you here. You can come again anytime.

  9. Do you know what would improve this? A hill. Look at it. Flat as a witch's tit.

    1. What do you think I was standing on when I took those photos?!?

      OK, so it was the cliff, and not a hill. Actually, that first photo is from a bit of golf course - one of the tees - which is why it's so flat.

      You know what would improve it, though? You in your questionable new yoga "meggings" (and nothing else!) striking a pose on that tee!

    2. P.S. I hope you're working on your end-of-year books read post thingy?

  10. The chances of you seeing me in my meggings on that dump of a cliff are nigh on impossible.

    Also I don’t even rate as a coven-er of days gone by now?!

    1. Some of us are in the queue for the coven present... Jx

    2. I think we're going to have to reconsider the Coven seeing as Princess has gone AWOL...

  11. Oh wait, I’ve just seen I do. WHATEVER!

    1. I learned my lesson after last year's hollow promises form you that you were going to return. I returned you to the Coven, but for what? WHAT?? Nothing. So, this year, I didn't bother.

      Although, I stand by my earlier offer: you in your meggings (and nothing else) on the cliff here, and I shall return you to the Coven.

    2. That's not a cliff. It's barely a mound.


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?