Saturday, 15 February 2025


 Oof!  Sorry I'm late.
 I hadn't realised just how much time had passed since my last foray into the Blogworld.  I hope you've all been good - or, at least, not too evil - since I last saw you?
 Anyway, one reason/excuse for my absence has been work - I've been dealing with a big, tiresome project which means that once I get home (or log-off when I'm working from home), the last thing I want to do is sit in front of another computer.  So, instead I sit in front of the TV watching TaskMaster (thank you, Peenee), or sit at my desk drawing risqué pictures of Rutherford (from Star Trek: Lower Decks) like these two:
 'Medical Experiment Victim Rutherford' is my take on the questionable medical cat-& mouse chase in the first episode of season 2, "Strange Energies".  [More here]
'Paradoxus Punk Toussant' is from season 3's episode "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus" in which Rutherford plays Lt. Cmdr Sylvo Toussant in his friend Brad Boimler's holodeck movie.
And here're some shots of Rutherford from the fifth and final season's "Starbase 80?!"

... And also, Boimler.

In the scene with the Lower Deckers changing out of their wetsuits (from "Starbase 80?!"), Boimler has a lot of trouble getting out of his, resulting in much bottom wiggling.  It reminded me very much of "Stupid Sexy Flanders" from The Simpsons.
 Anyway, that's it for now.  Normal service - such as it is - should resume in March once my time-consuming work thing is over.


  1. Who knew that Flanders actually had an arse ?!

    1. I know! That episode of The Simpson's surprised me, too!

  2. Animated porn fantasies? Oh dear. Time to reveal my secret sexual frisson over Dick Dastardly from Wacky Races? Nah, maybe not. Jx

    1. Ha ha! Funnily enough, someone posted this live-action Wacky Races-themed Peugeot ad the other day. I don't know about DIck Dastardly, but the Slag Brothers have a certain something... ;)

  3. Rutherford was my maiden name; I used to call myself Margaret in those days.

    Interesting drawings but I am sure you must have done some other special ones that are not suitable to post.

    1. Ah, that's why I recognised you straight away!

      As for "special drawings", the Paradoxus Punk Toussant edition surprised me because I had to draw quite a bit of Rutherford's... anatomy behind that warning. That punk was considerably smaller than Rutherford, and the episode showed that the adorable engineer just could not get those pants up around his hips/waist, never mind do them up, so there was quite a lot on show!

  4. I have friends who say the same about working on a screen and wanting to switch off when they get home. And to be honest it's good to switch off and indulge in some fantasy!
    I always wanted a dog that laughed like Mutley.

    1. It's not normally this bad, but the current work project has been really exhausting. It's almost over, though!

      Bitey looks not unlike Mutley. He doesn't laugh though. (He's just been barking his head off at a deer on the bank behind the back garden. The deer didn't take any notice, of course.)

  5. When you said "I've been dealing with a big, tiresome project," I misread "tiresome project" as "threesome project."

    1. I would much rather be dealing with a big threesome project. There are a couple of contenders at work who might be suitable...


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?