Sunday, 12 January 2025

Bitey Gets Ignored

 It has been near enough freezing all day, so I've been indoors mainly working on my entry for this month's Star Trek fan art challenge.  However, at about half one I felt the need for a stretch and some fresh - if cold - air, so I gathered Bitey up and took him down to the beach.  And here are the photos to prove it!

 Oh, in a couple of photos time (after the jump) there is a scene that sensitive viewers may wish to brace themselves for.  All I'll say at this point is that you should count yourselves lucky you weren't here to smell it!

 Anyway, the main thing is: the photos.  Oh and this tune (which I know from the film, Evolution):

The Winter sea has scoured away much of the sand exposing large swathes of the underlying chalk bed.
Approaching the End-of-the-Line

 Hold your noses and stomachs for what's next:
Bitey investigates his unresponsive friend, much to my disgust.
(This grey seal {Halichoerus grypus atlantica} was longer than I am tall!  And probably more than twice my weight.)
Anyway, moving on: We arrived at the End-of-the-Line...
... but didn't venture beyond.

It could almost be a summer evening, couldn't it.
The promenade is verging on impassable thanks to slovenly Cliff!
I almost missed it at first glance, but the wonky groyne is pointing to the rising...
... Moon.

 And that's where we'll leave things today.  I hope to be back next weekend with either papier-mâché pavillions and/or a colourful effort at timekeeping.  See you all then.


  1. Gosh, I wonder what misfortune befell that gigantic seal? Jx

    1. Nothing that caused suffering, I hope. I meant to say, it appears to be covered in limpet pock marks, but apparently they only eat algae? Something else must be having a nibble when the sea covers it.


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?