Sunday 13 August 2023

The Sunday Blogger Club and other stories

 As I seem incapable of putting together any of the blog posts that have been lurking at the back of our mind recently, here is a quick update on some of the books and doujinshi manga we've read recently instead.  
 I stopped reading Smoke and Mirrors as it was too miserable and grim.  To help the Host get over it, while I was waiting in the Cusp departure lounge for my portal home, I picked up a copy of The Sunday Blogger Club.  But only because it came with a free blogging rota.
 You see, I've been on a "business trip" Over the Cusp;  The Very Mistress took to her fainting chaise in 1973 and has barely been seen since;  Jon is on holiday and jetting off to Amsterdam or somesuch;  Maddie seems to have only just got back and she's off again;  Mago managed a Sunday Music on Saturday - No, not the following one, Saturday before - which has thrown us all for a loop;  And Ms Scarlet emigrated from Wordpress to Blogger and now needs a prompt to get her going!
 Yes, I think that rota will come in very handy.
 Anyway.  Back to the reading material:

 A Fine Life - The story of a nascent witch whose unwanted commitments and obligations are arranged away by an unseen imp.  Although the witch is vaguely aware of the imp and its interventions, they do not know the full extent of the imp's arrangements and the subsequent consequences wreaked upon their friends and family.  Although, they are beginning to suspect.
 The Furtherest Ones - A collection of tales of unobtainable love and inappropriate lust in a beautiful but terrible land beyond the reach of mere mortals.  One such tale is about a sea spirit who yearns to touch the sun, even knowing that should it be possible, they'll evaporate.  They are teased by the Moon, and are drawn to him as a tide, but the Moon always releases them before they can overcome their world's gravity and join the Sun and the Moon as they dance together in the sky.

 Spindle: Wind the Thread Around Xem - A book about how to structure and write novels of the classic Karskat genre.  It's a bit awkward - translated as it is from ancient Andorii.

 Star Trek Costumes: Five Decades of Fashion from the Final Frontier, by Paula M. Block and Terry J. Erdmann
 This is my first Trek book purchase for a LONG time.  And I only got it because it was a fiver instead of £35!
 I've only had time to flick through it so far, and seems not as comprehensive or detailed as I'd like, but it does have some wonderful concept art and gorgeous photographs.  My favourite Trek film, STIII: The Search For Spock appears to be well served with a good covering of the civilian clothing and Vulcan garments. 
 Definitely worth £5.

T.S.D. Master of Poison Radio Wave 2
 T.S.D. Master of Poison Radio Wave and other selected manga of Dokudenpa Jushintei, by Kobucha Omaso. 
 Some of these tales of young men coming to terms with their sexuality and dealing with first love/lust are very dear and quite charming.  They're illustrated with adorable looking young men sporting perfect bodies and seemingly endless reserves of energy - which ends up being used for a LOT of gleefully drawn, enthusiastic sex!  But that's only a part of it - it's the emotional stuff that's most important, of course.
 Only a few are translated into English, and even that's rather hit-and-miss, but it's quite fun to imagine what's going on and what the characters are saying.  (I've run a few through Google Translate images and that's even more hit-and-miss, but I get the gist)
 Oh, and there are some that are definitely not my cup of tea, such as the ones with chibi or too young looking characters, and the ones with tentacles (I just don't get it).
Danger: RUDE!  For the gentlemen who prefer to travel up the chocolate escalator or are a receiver of swollen goods*, and anyone else who may be curious, click here for T.S.D. vol.1.  And once you're there, I'd recommend right-clicking any link to open in a new window - even if only clicking to the next page - to prevent unwanted video sex websites opening.  I use Firefox which blocks most pop-ups, but doesn't seem to catch them all on the linked to BaraMangaOnline site.

* Thank you, Derek:


  1. Star Trek drag and Manga porn?

    How very dare you?! For twenty-five years Mother and I have been putting money into a Christmas card for you, and this is the thanks we get?! 😂

    And no, I'm not on holiday until the crack o'doom on Thursday morning... Jx

    1. "Star Trek drag and Manga porn?" - I feel a mash-up coming on. My next piece of Trek art, maybe...?

      Oh, gods! We didn't sort the rota out before you left!

  2. Cough, splutter - I think you'll find that you have ignored my most recent post! If you had deigned to visit my humble abode you would know that I am away due to skip filling duties. I was actually tearing my hair out yesterday, and on the brink of hysteria. The whole contents of my life are on a rug in my room and most of it needs chucking. And then a spider crawled into my portfolio, which might make the artwork a little more interesting.
    I feel slightly better this morning, thank you for asking.
    P.S That is a smashing book cover, btw.

    1. Oh! Ms Scarlet! I did visit your most recent post, and I thought I left a witty & erudite comment about holidaying in a skip. Or a comment about a skip, at least. But it seems not. I shall pop back shortly and see if I can recall it. Many apologies.

    2. And just so as not to cause a time paradox: "How are you feeling that morning?"

  3. I know The Mistress is just going to leave that post celebrating her anniversary hanging around until it's time for another anniversary, the old tramp. I love that book cover which is totally better than she deserves.

  4. SweretMarySunshine! It's Monday, sweetpea, and now I have to go and read the Sunday posts I missed! BTW, thanks for the lovely comment re: BGM's interior design. I sent it to her because she is only 11 and while she KNOWS about the blog, doesn't read it!! xoxo

    1. I just don't understand how Mondays come around so quickly!
      Ah, I would have said something even nicer had I know BGM was going to read it. And, yes, probably best she doesn't read your blog and its links to utter depravity ;)

  5. " Maddie seems to have only just got back and she's off again;" WHAT! I've been posting all week dear; I will be way again this weekend though.

    Oh, yeah, I see your point cutie. Now September I may be gone the whole month the way things are going now.

    1. This time of year, you're almost as part-time as me, Maddie!

  6. Love the book cover. I might need your services when I publish my memoir.

    After watching Heartstopper, my maid of all work, Carmen, wants to change her age by deed poll so she can be 17 again, the daft cow.

    1. I shall hone my MSPaint skills in preparation, Mitzi.

      Deed poll is all very well, but won't Carmen need some Paint/Photoshop on her face to make her features match her new age?

  7. Adore Catherine Tate. That character, along with Little Britain's Only Gay In The Village... priceless. So glad you read, dear. I have three books going all the time and adore every moment I escape into one. I'm a slow reader... unlike you. Can't imagine. How do you do it? All those books. Good for you. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, these days I'm a slow reader, too - I skimmed rather than read the Spindle and Costumes books. I find myself slouching in front of the telly more than I do reading. After all, where else am I going to find the source of these YT clips? ;)

    2. And speaking of fast readers, look who's arrived...

  8. That cover is brilliant.

    I've finally finished the first three books in "The Thursday Murder Club" series. I thought I'd better get a move on since you said there's another coming soon. Oh, and each book was better than the previous. They just kept getting better!

    1. Hooray! I don't know if the publishing date is the same over there, but it's 14th September here, so make a note in your diary!

      Your stripey tights-clad legs lent themselves very well to the Sunday Blogger Club cover in place of the fox. It was almost as if they were made for the part.

  9. Replies
    1. That was meant as a reply to lending my legs to the cover.

    2. It was just your legs that you lent, wasn't it...?

  10. Who is the busty redhead (second from right) ?
    Meanwhile, you may already have seen it, but I found it just now, pictures by Ms Goldfrapp.

    1. Um... The Klingon in his red wedding regalia? Worf, son of Mogh.

      But the bustiest (second from left), is Ms Scarlet's favourite character, Seven of Nine.

      Ooh, no, I hadn't seen it, but I have now. Thank you Mago! And I've learned something too - that's where the English phrase "sweet FA" comes from!

    2. To this day I regret to have lost a sound bit, Worf saying "It is a good day to die." It was connected to a system occurrence (on an old windows computer), when a process ended or a program hung up. I very much liked these old sounds schemes like "jungle" etc, and it was easy to put own snippets in. (I some times looked for the "sound schemes cemetery", but found nothing. I miss this one, and should use it on this machine, a linux.)

      Yeah, I can't obviously distinguish between left & right any more, sorry. BTW are there female Worfs ? I should look meself, I know. I have never heared of someone called Seven of Nine. It may be quite good ? I'll look at the encyclopedia's entry.
      Is it "Sweet Fanny Adams" ? I did not know this, thank you IDV ! Why did you shorten it - is it offensive ?

    3. Well, yes, "sweet FA" is a bit rude, but that's not why it gets shortened. It's because we English are a lazy bunch when it comes to our own language (we hijack other languages' words because we can't be bothered to think of a new word ourselves), and saying FA is less effort than "Fuck All".

      Worf is a treasure trove of quotable lines. One of my favourites is "Good tea. Nice house" when he has to be polite in someone's home.
      Don't get fall down a link-following rabbit hole at Memory Alpha!

      P.S. There is a German version.


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?