Even though the Big, Tiresome Work Project has come to an end (see last month's Rutherford post for slightly more details), I'm still finding it difficult to return to blogging. This is partly because something else has taken its place: the Allotment Drama! I won't go into all the whys and wherefores now otherwise I'll never finish this post, but I will do at some point soon because at least it'll give me something to blog about. Some of the other reasons are the same as in this post from a year ago except that I don't have any washing on the go and Ms Scarlet hasn't published a new post, although her current one says it's new..... Scratch that. In the time it's taken me to compose this, there is a new post!
Anyway, here are a very select few of some things that have been going on here recently:
Saturday 22 February: Sonic Shower Show Rutherford. Although number four in the series, this is the eighth Rutherford fantasy action figure I've created: